Sang av Norden

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The wind stirred through the trees, creating a harmony of nature as it wound through the leaves and branches. Many hands tidied up New Berk in an atmosphere of celebration of life. Delicious smells filled the air, everyone enjoyed warm drinks and bowls of steaming stew. A large fire pit was burning in the center of it all.

It was Jack's first time seeing New Berk, his first time outside in days... and he had to experience it all from a wheelchair. His clothes had been ruined, plus the doctor had to cut his shirt in half when he was first operating on him, so the Vikings gave him some new clothes close to his size to wear over his bandages. They were clothes Jack probably would've worn if he still lived in his old village; he didn't mind them.

Near where the cooking was taking place, Elsa was kneeling beside him, and quite a few toddlers and other children had gathered around them. At first, they just looked at them curiously. Jack was especially an interesting sight thanks to his white hair. Then one bold little girl moved forward and touched his hand. She seemed surprised that he was cold to the touch.

None of them knew Norwegian, so talking to them was difficult.

"" Elsa said to them, pointing to herself. She then put a hand on Jack's arm, "Jack." It was like when she was trying to teach Agnes how to speak.

"Jack Frost!" One of the kids said as he hopped in the air. They then all began to chatter in Icelandic, possibly begging for them to do more magic.

"Sorry, kids," Jack smirked through the discomfort. "I can't really do much." None of them understood; they were all just waiting now. Elsa giggled and waved her hands, summoning her icy magic. As snowflakes danced around in the air, all of the kids were amazed. They chased them, caught them with their tongues, laughing.

Jack found himself smiling as he watched. While Elsa was busy entertaining them, Jack felt a presence approach him and he turned to see two young women, blushing and giggling, standing beside him.

"Uh... Hello?" He said, confused by their behavior.

One ushered the other to speak first, "Halló." She said through her nervous laughter.

One whispered to her friend, "Hann er svo myndarlegur!" Jack had no idea what she'd said. They both quickly stopped when Elsa came close again and gave them both an intimidating look.

"Bless!" One said, meaning 'bye,' and they both hurried away.

"What was that all about?" Jack wondered. Elsa could only shake her head and chuckle; he really didn't know that he had quite an effect on women, even with visible bruises and cuts. For a while, they were content with knowing the guardians were protecting Arendelle... They hoped.

Hiccup walked up to them, more relaxed than normal, and told them, "We're about to eat. A full meal will do you both some good."

Jack was skeptical. "You think I can hold it down?"

"Well, if you can't, at least there'll be more for Gobber to eat." He laughed, but Elsa and Jack didn't know Gobber, so the joke made no sense. Hiccup cleared his throat, "Never mind." Let me show you where the tables are."

Hiccup escorted them to the Greathall, which was now filled with tables and chairs so everyone could feast together. There was a sense of unity among the Vikings; all laughing and telling stories, no one was a stranger. As Elsa wheeled Jack to where they'd be seated, they couldn't help notice everyone eyeing them curiously.

Jack sighed; this wasn't the first time. Elsa ignored it and sat beside him. "How's your chest?" She asked.

"All right." He rasped.

The King of ArendelleWhere stories live. Discover now