"På Grunn av Deg"

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It was already November, which meant Christmas would arrive once again before anyone knew it. Time seemed to move faster with each year, and Nicholas Saint North had none to spare.

It was crowded and busy, North was patrolling the assembly lines of hard-working yetis and lackadaisical elves. He had a clipboard with blueprints of his next improvements for his sleigh.

"Still waiting on those metal sheets!" He called across the workshop. Dashing in front of him was a large, white yeti who looked panicked. He spoke in his own language but North said, "Calm down, what is it?" The yeti spoke his animalistic tongue again and North wasn't sure if he'd heard him correctly. "That can't be." He handed the yeti his clipboard and pen and raced to the center of his fortress where a group of elves was gathered. North shooed them all away and saw what they'd been staring at: the Moon.

"Manny! I don't hear from you in eight years and you decide to come knocking when I'm busy?" His accented-voice was teeming with annoyance, but North already knew that this meant something urgent. In its silver light, the Moon cast down swirls and shapes in front of North, explaining all he'd observed in the past week. As he absorbed all of this information, North wondered how he couldn't have known, how Manny could have kept quiet for so long!

He cursed under his breath in Russian and got down to business. "Everyone, make preparations. We're going to have company!" North pulled down on a rope that opened up the roof of his fortress, where a beam of light zoomed up out the axis and into the night sky.

The guardians would know what this meant. North hoped they wouldn't waste any time.


Jack had been certain he'd seen the worst of his own nightmares, but there was one in particular that haunted him to this day. It occurred just weeks after Agnes was born.

It didn't start like his nightmares usually did, disguised as a normal, or even pleasant dream. The moment the dream began, it was dark.

Dark as far as his eyes could see. When he looked around for any source of light, all he saw was dark. It was damp and murky, he saw something swaying on either side of him. He couldn't figure out what it was until he tried to open his mouth to speak and it filled with water. It was kelp. He was underwater.

Eyes darting up, he saw the frozen surface of the pond he was in. Desperate for air, Jack tried to move his arms, tried to kick, but he couldn't make his body move. He just sank father into darkness as he struggled to breathe, the silhouettes of bodies around him, shadows with monster faces lurked inside the kelp, watching him.

 He just sank father into darkness as he struggled to breathe, the silhouettes of bodies around him, shadows with monster faces lurked inside the kelp, watching him

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(Artist: https://www.deviantart.com/k-el-p )

Don't worry, Jack. You'll never be alone again.

He knew that voice. He hadn't heard it in a long time, but it felt as familiar as his mother's scent. The demon shadows were getting closer, reaching out to grab him.

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