Hello lovelies!

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Hi hi my loves! I am so sorry again for the inconsistent updates and lack of content for a while recently, I've been terribly busy with school and dance. I have been updating my book on my other account (@luvrdraco) if that is something you are interested in checking out in the meantime. I just haven't had the creativity to come up with anything for these drag oneshots, I sincerely apologize.

Its the same old excuses, I haven't had the motivation or time to update, which is why I am desperately asking for anyone to send prompts or requests. It will really help me out quite a bit, so feel free to comment or message me!

I will say, I am working on a little something *wink* *wink* with an amazing friend of mine. I will not give away too much, as it is still in the works, but that is something for you all to look forward to in the (hopefully) near future.

I swear I'm trying y'all, don't think I've given up on this book quite yet. I will hopefully get a little something out as soon as possible.

Thank you for the continuous love, support, and kind words, it truly means a lot to me. 🥺💜

k. 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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