nicky doll • we fell in love in paris pt. 2

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sorry for the delay in updates, ive been having a shit ton of writers block recently and ive been trying to write longer chapters for y'all. also THANK YOU for 23k reads and a bunch more votes, it means a lot that you guys enjoy what im writing. 💜

i have some important things to talk ab but ill save that for later so you guys can get to this update xx

again, cis female nicky

(mention of harassment/assault/violence, i will label the sections in bold so you can skip if you need to)

idk what to call this
[ my babydoll nicky ]

Your POV:
I woke up the next morning beside a soundly sleeping Nicky. I smiled at the beautiful girl next to me and laid there for a bit, trying to wake up.

After a few minutes I gently shook Nicky awake, we cuddled for 5 minutes before getting up and getting ready. I reminded Nicky that I had rehearsals, so she took up the task of making breakfast while I got ready.

We both ate breakfast and Nicky drove me to rehearsals. She really wanted to stay and meet the rest of the girls, but she had some things she had to get done at her workplace. I kissed her gently and told her that I'd call when I was done with practice.

I walked into the venue and back to the dressing rooms. I found the door with both Aquaria and I's name on it, I smiled to myself as I heard heart to break by kim petras on full blast in the room. I gave three knocks as a warning that I was coming in.

I opened the door and was met with Aqua doing her makeup in the mirror. Plastique was lounging on the couch beside her, makeup already done. She was talking with Aquaria, keeping her company.

"Hey baby!" Aqua screeched after seeing me in the mirror, she got up and went to hug me.

"I missed you! I slept in the hotel bed by myself," She frowned as she took my hand and dragged me toward the mirrors, I took a seat in front of the vanity laughing as Plastique butt-in.

"Bitch I would've gladly let you borrow Violet as a sleeping buddy, that whore always hogs the blanket-"

"Shut up Plastique, not my fault the blanket isn't big enough!" Violet shouted as she walked past our dressing room.

"Yeah I think I'd rather sleep alone," Aquaria laughed before getting back to her makeup.

"Well I'm hungry, gonna go get something to eat." Plastique said before getting up and leaving our dressing room.

I got started on my own makeup, but not long after Aquaria started bugging me with all the questions about Nicky and I.

"Soooooo, what happened between you and lil miss frenchie?" Aqua smirked and nudged my shoulder.

I started blushing just thinking about the french seductress, but I playfully rolled my eyes and looked over at Aquaria.

"Nothing happened, we just watched a movie and cuddled all night." I said nonchalantly.

"Sure," She said dismissing the topic.

"Well you better be coming clubbing with us tonight, I still haven't gotten my french cutie yet." Aqua said whilst setting her face makeup.

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