nicky doll • whatever we are

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Hi whores! I'm so sorry for the pause in updates again, school is deadass making me feel like shit and I have no motivation to do anything. But PLEASE read this next message because I have a secret to tell y'all...

I may or may have not made a whole separate account to write Draco Malfoy content, that may or may have not already have a published one shot book that has 2 chapters.

Ok before the bitches drag me, I am well aware that this obsession is getting out of hand, and I can barely keep up updates on this acc let alone ANOTHER one... HOWEVER I think its good that I'm writing for two different fandoms, this way I'm always alternating between content and I won't get bored just writing for one fandom. ANYWAY I'm fucking rambling but the username for that account is: luvrdraco if any of you are interested in that.

cis female nicky you already know the drill

nicolette doll
[ angst with mentions of sex ]

Your POV:
I continued my slight pant as Nicky got up and laid beside me, I was still coming down from my high as I looked over toward the blonde next to me. She turned her head to face me and flashed her signature smirk, I rolled my eyes and looked away with a goofy smile on my face. She chuckled at the fact that I was so flustered.

"How was that darling?" Nicky asked, I could still see her eyes glued to me in my peripheral vision.

"It gets better every time Dollie," I sighed as I turned to her again.

The blonde reached a hand up and brushed my hair behind my ear, leaning in slowly for a soft kiss. Nicky bit my bottom lip softly and I sighed into the kiss, Nicky taught me why the French get a whole kiss named after them.

"You better not cover those for your date tomorrow," Nicky said slyly, refering to the multiple hickeys that littered my chest and my breasts. I rolled my eyes and shoved her shoulder lightly.

"I wasn't planning on hooking up with her anyway, don't get too cocky there Nicolette." I said as I thought about my date tomorrow night, feeling a slight pang of regret fall over my consciousness. I turned away from the blonde again, bringing my full gaze to the white wall.

What I had with Nicky was so complicated, yet it was so simple... We were friends with benefits.

But all at the same time it felt like so much more. Our hookups never seemed like hookups, It felt more passionate and meaningful than that. We both had considered a legitimate relationship with one another, but all the signs had pointed to bad outcomes aside from one sign: the sex.

For the most part I was perfectly fine with just the friends with benefits thing, but now that Nicky is actively trying to find a serious relationship it's caused me to feel... Jealous? I felt like I was being cheated on even when Nicky and I weren't even dating or seeing each other outside of our hookups.

Just the thought of the way I felt made my head spin.

"What's on your mind chéri?" I heard Nicky call from behind me.

I had already decided not to tell her about the way I felt. I didn't want to burden her with the fact that I had caught feelings, especially when she was trying to find someone else. Even if I did bring it up I knew she would just say that we already tried to make us work, or that all that we were was a quick fuck when either of us needed it.

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