aquaria • side bitch

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its been a hot minute since i wrote my baby love, but im gonna try my best to write this decently.

im so sorry if this turns out bad, we fell in love in paris pt. 2 should be my next update but im having slight writers block.

this was inspired by BentDownSpoon

[ giovanni ]

Your POV:
You were organizing your fresh laundry back into your closet when you got a call, you picked up your phone from where it was charging and looked at the caller ID.

Giovanni P. 🤍

You sucked in a breath, you knew exactly why he was calling. You stared at the name, debating on whether to pick up or not. You did that every time he called, but you always ended up answering anyway.

"Hello?" You answered in a "what the fuck do you want" tone. You always acted tough around Gio, but you knew deep down you had a soft spot for him.

"Hey um.. Can you come over?" Gio asked warily due to your sharpened tone.

"What? Boyfriend out on the town again?" You asked, smirking.

"Please just come over?" He sounded desperate.

"Yeah, yeah, needy ass, I'll be there in 20." You said before hanging up.

You didn't know how you felt about being Gio's side bitch. You felt guilty at times but you couldn't let anyone know that. You wanted Gio to be yours all the time, not just when he wanted a quick fuck or when he wasn't getting what he wanted from his boyfriend. But again you couldn't let anyone know that, plus you were terrified of the commitment. There was a non-spoken agreement between you and the other boy that whatever was happening between you was most times just for sexual purposes.

You got ready with a haze over your mind. Normally you felt like a bad bitch getting ready for a dick appointment, but this time your heart was heavy. You brushed the feeling off and left your house.

When you got to Gio's place you still had that sinking feeling in you're gut, but you disregarded it again as you rang the doorbell.

Gio opened the door and almost immediately pulled you into a deep, longing kiss. You melted into his touch for a second but immediately tried to put up your dominant persona.

"Someone is desperate-" You mumbled biting at Giovanni's bottom lip.

"mmh-" Was all you got in return.

You and Gio messily made out on the way to the bedroom, where you then pushed him into the bed breaking the kiss. You hovered over him as you licked from his jawline down to his neck, he moaned and tangled his fingers in your hair.

You were gonna tell him not to touch, but you liked the encouraging tugs as you kept going at his neck.

"Y/N.. I- I wanna try something new-" he said through clenched teeth.

You stopped kissing his neck at that statement, you slowly lifted your head to look at the breathless boy beneath you. He didn't speak for a moment, eyes filled with lust and slight... fear?

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