☁︎ violet chachki • bitchy ☁︎

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im so fucking sorry for the lack of updates...
but im back hookers- with... a new series??? idk if you want a violet series ill glady keep this one going.

in order to ask for forgiveness, i give you.... my parents first ever..... and i mean ever.....
s m u t.

yes, thats right smut. im sorry in advance, feel free to skip the dirty dirty part (which i will label) bc im 99.9% sure this will be fucking HORRIBLE.

[ Violet ]
out of drag but still referred to as her/she/Violet

hope you guys enjoy! xx -k

Your POV:

"Vi stop being a fucking cunt." I said rolling my eyes at Vi. Even if she was my best friend, she could be so unbearably bitchy.

"Then come shut me up dad." Vi smirked, causing my face to heat up.

I fucking hated Violet. But I loved her at the same time...

We had quite the unique relationship.

Me and Violet were strictly platonic. But at the same time, we were also friends with benefits?

I knew Violet since high school, and we actually dated around that same time too. We were together for a while until one day Vi invited me over to her house and broke up with me in her bedroom. After that we didn't speak to each other for a long ass time. Till one day we just decided to start talking again.

And thats where the confusion comes in.

Now, we fucking bitch and fight each other like two alley cats. But we also cuddle and watch netflix together. With the occasional tiny peck on each others lips. Don't even get me started on when we are out getting drunk at parties. It starts with us holding hands as we go bar hopping. Then it turns to us making out on all our friends instagram stories.

Now, me and Violet are both very much single. Which means we don't get very much action. But one night when we both got so unbelievably drunk we solved the later problem.

Violet and I stumbled into our shared flat at 2 am- giggling messes when Violet slurred,

"H-heyyyyy.... you wanna l-likeeee, i duunno.. fuck..?" She said still giggling


"Hell yeeeaah daddyyyyyyy......" I slurred back falling forward onto Violets chest.

Violet grabbed my hand and practically dragged my drunk ass up the stairs to her bedroom.

"Hey bitchhh be carefulllll your gonna make me break a naaaaaiiiiilll!!!" I whined.

"Shut up. You can just ask your sugar daddy to pay for a new set." Violet said shutting the door behind us, flinging me onto the bed.

"I- .... don't haaave a sugar daddy... I never had a-" I started before Violet cut me off.

"Shut up and make out with me." She said crawling on top of me and kissing me aggressively.

"hhmmmp-" I mumbled- grabbing her chin and biting her lower lip, causing her to groan.

Violet grabbed my hand and put it over the growing bulge in her jeans. I broke the kiss for a second to tease her- problem.

"Hmmm, looks like you have a little problem..." I said seductively, using my index finger to outline the- now fully hard- bulge in her jeans.

"A big problem actually..." Violet said back sexily.

I moaned at her words.

"Awe, baby ain't so tough now are we?" She teased

I couldn't think of a snarky remark because I was too focused on getting some type of friction in between my legs. So instead I started palming Vi through the fabric of her pants.

"O-oh fuck..." Violet moaned throwing her head back.

"All clothes off. Now." She said going to take off her shirt.

We both discarded our clothes and went back to making out.

My hands made their way down Violets slim body, I paused right above her cock. After a while of watching her squirm around, I grabbed her shaft- slowly pumping.

"Fuck- thats hot..." She moaned throwing her head back.

I slowly started to move down Violets body, sucking little hickeys down her stomach.

I paused before slowly taking her into my mouth, starting at her tip. I dipped my tongue into her leaking pre cum and smirked up at her. She closed her eyes in sheer pleasure. I started to take in more of her hard cock, working her balls with my free hand.

Eventually I had her to the back of my throat, my hand still slowly massaging her balls.

"Fuck- I'm so fucking close..." Violet moaned, her hand tangled in my hair, lightly helping me bob my head.

I started playing with her tip again, tasting her more and more as I kept sucking.

"Y/N I'm gonna cum-" Violet moaned.

I took her back down my throat and started sucking her really hard, I felt her cum in my throat but I kept going to help her ride out her orgasm.

I thought it was over until I felt Violets hand on my chest.

"Now its my turn to make you squirt..." Violet said in a very dominating tone.

She grabbed my boobs and started rubbing her thumbs over my hard nipples, Turning me on even more. I threw my head back and felt myself growing wetter and wetter

"Am I gonna make you squirt just by rubbing your nipples?" Violet said teasing me.

I moaned and her head made its way down to my clit, she started sucking on the bud making me moan. This time it was my turn to tangle my hand in her hair.

She continued to eat me out, when eventually she stuck two fingers in my entrance.

"Violet- oh fuck-" I moaned.

I started riding her face, feeling the knot in my stomach start to unravel.

I guess Violet knew I was extremely close cause she reached her free hand up and started rubbing my nipples again.

Between her sucking my clit, fingering me, and rubbing my nipples, I was dripping wet.

"Vi- I'm gonna fucking cum. I'm gonna fucking cu- OH FUCK." Violets fingers hit that one spot and I came instantly.

Violet cleaned me up and we cuddled for a while before we fell asleep. Not ready for the killer hangover we'd have in the morning.

i know... it was bad.

im sorry for the break but as of now i will get back to uploading mire often. lmk what you think of this. ily all <3

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