crystal • glitter gals

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thank you SO MUCH for all the love on my last two chapters!!!! i wasn't expecting so many messages of love and feedback, thank you guys <333333

so as requested, heres some crystal content :)
(cis female crystal)

(theres mention of gigi and nicky in this, who im also making cis females)

[ glitter eater ]

Third Person POV:
"Crys! are you done?" You shouted up to your roommate Crystal Elizabeth Methyd, who was upstairs cleaning her closet. You were patiently waiting for her to finish what she was doing so you could spend time with her, she'd been cleaning for a while now.

"Yeah almost!-" You heard her yell back.

Not too long after she came downstairs, her hands and arms covered in assorted glitter. You laughed at your glitter-covered roommate, it must've been from all her glitter covered garments in her closet.

"Stop laughing, I'm aware its bad." She said pouting.

You grabbed a damp paper towel and proceeded to try and wipe some of the glitter off Crystal. You couldn't get all of it, but it would have to do for now.

You hooked your phone up to the bluetooth speaker and played your favorite, One-fucking-Direction.

"Bitch YES!" Crystals eyes light up as she heard the first song come on.

You laughed and you both made your way to the kitchen, ready to make lunch.

"....Even when the night changes, it'll never change what?" Crystal sang looking over at you, giving you your cue to finish the song.

"-Me and you." You sang back giggling.

"Fuck.... Harry could fucking get it though-" Crystal said sighing and taking a step back from the cooking to think about Harry Styles.

"He really could, I mean I'd even go straight for any for any of those five boys-"

"-four boys actually." Crystal interjected.

"Shut your glittery ass up whore, don't remind me. It'll always be five, I take no other answer."

You both ate lunch and sang along to more one direction before you eventually started winding down. You were sat on the couch drinking wine, on your phones.

You got a text from Gigi

baby geege 🌈:
hey baby can i come over tonight? nicole is out on the town with some old friends and i didnt wanna fifth wheel. ill even order pizza, fully on me.

sure, you can even invite nicky if she wants to come over after, and pepperoni on the pizza pls.

baby geege 🌈:
course you pepperoni whore, see you in a few xx.


"Gigi is coming over with pizza." You told Crystal who was scrolling through instagram, she was on her 2nd glass of wine.

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