aquaria • i think im falling for my gay best friend pt. 2

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sorry if this is shit... trying to force my brain to work properly so i can actually write something 🤡

the next chapter might be some more aquaria fights becuase everyone seemed to like arguing when i wrote it as a two part :)

idk what this is
[ giovanni ]

Your POV:

It was a Tuesday afternoon which meant Giovanni and I had dance practice. We were getting ready to perform for pep rally so our practices were slightly longer than usual.

We were learning new choreo to a new number but I was distracted... I turned to my other friend Sammy, and hit her on the arm. I nodded over in Giovanni's direction and she immediately mouthed the words "I know-"

Sammy and I both found Giovanni extremely attractive and we would always jokingly call him our boyfriend. And we would always stare at him when we were dancing, or when he was wearing something super sporty and cute.

Gio was wearing black adidas track pants, and a navy blue t shirt. But he bunched the sleeves of the shirt up, his full- slightly toned- arm on display.

I didn't mean to be creepy but Giovanni was placed directly in front of me in the formation. He was tall as it was and I couldn't see what our dance instructor was teaching, so I relied on watching him to pick up the movement. So of course, I was watching him the whole time. But I swear those fucking arms I really couldn't stop staring.

Sammy and I kept looking at each other and mocking a distressed face. Like if "why does he have to be gay" was put into a facial expression.

After I managed to stop staring at Gio and actually focus on the choreography, we got everything done for the day and started cleaning up to head home. I was getting my shit together when Gio came up behind me, grabbing my shoulders- shaking me- and scaring me.

"FUCK- Gio what the actual fuck you bitch.." I said hitting his arm, he was in the middle of a giggle fit.

"You never learn baby-" He said mockingly.

"Anyway my mom made pasta for dinner tonight. Wanna come over?" I started to protest, about to complain that I was a sweaty mess and needed to take a shower asap. But Giovanni beat me to it.

"You can shower at my house and borrow one of my hoodies, and my jeans will probably fit you. So don't even use the shower card you whore." Gio said smirking, grabbing my bag in one hand and my wrist in the other. Leading me out to his moms car.

Giovanni's lovely mom drove us back to his place and I went to shower in the guest bathroom whilst Gio showered in his bathroom. After a while I got out and threw my wet hair into a towel-turban.

I threw on Giovanni's hoodie- my favorite one of his keep in mind- and immediately inhaled the scent. Gio smelt so good and if I could I would want my whole house to smell like him. I then threw in his jeans- which not surprisingly- fit me almost perfectly.

I dried my hair and made my way over to Gio's room, grabbing my phone off his charger and flopping onto his white bed. Then Gina's head popped in the doorframe

"Hey kiddo, dinners ready. Let G know when he's done in the shower." She said sweetly before turning to go back downstairs.

"Thanks Mrs. Palandrani! We'll be down soon!" I said returning the warm smile.

I went over tio the bathroom door and called out to Gio.

"G hurry up everyone is ready for dinner!" I called through the door.

"If you don't want me still smelling like the bottom of a dumpster then I highly suggest you not rush me Y/N!" Giovanni called back. I laughed to myself, knowing he didn't smell even close to "the bottom of a dumpster"

After 10 extra long minutes Gio sauntered out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel around his waist. I couldn't help but look him up and down, and I guess he noticed me looking-

"Ew Y/N, I like dick." He said mocking the face of disgust.

"What can I say? I like to admire art." I said rolling my eyes and smiling

"Why thank you, wish I could say the same for you." He said smirking whilst getting dressed.

"Fuck you, I should've left your sorry ass up here and ate all the pasta." I said getting up to leave the room.

"You would never-" Gio laughed and followed me downstairs to eat dinner.

this is not proof read and at one point i started writing in third person... so i hope i caught all those mistakes and fixed them.

aquaria angst next!

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