☁︎ aquaria • arguing ☁︎

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maybe a lil sad?
[ aquaria out of drag]

enjoy xx -k


Third person POV :
(third but from your perspective if that makes sense?)

"I'm sorry Giovanni!- I'm sorry I have a fucking job during the day, and can't stay up long enough to spend time with you when you get home at god knows what fucking time in the morning!! Hell, sometimes you aren't even home when I get up for work!!!" You were fighting with him. Again. You really didn't have the energy to do this right now, you had work in 3 hours and Gio just got home from a gig.

"Oh so it's MY FAULT?!?! You said you have a job to get to during the day, and I also have a fucking job to get to- doing drag is MY job and it's just as important as your job at the office!!" You had a headache from yelling and getting yelled at by Gio. You needed to sleep.

"You know what?! Fine. You win ok? I'm done arguing with you about this, ok my job is not as important as yours and I'm sorry I ALWAYS have to keep you hanging around during the day for a few hours before you have a gig ok?. Cause I'M the one who is the pain in the ass."

You walked off to your shared bedroom and grabbed an extra blanket from your closet, you then walked back out to the living room and placed it on the couch. You did NOT want to be sleeping next to Gio tonight. A few minutes later you heard the bathroom door open in your room, meaning Gio was fully ready to go to bed.

He didn't even bother to say something after I walked off...

You hated fighting with Gio.. you were already walking on thin ice with this relationship because Giovanni was gay. He didn't like girls, but for some reason he made had exception just for you. You always had that thought in the back of your head which told you that Gio could dump you at any moment. You hated that thought, but couldn't deny that it was right.

You didn't realize you were crying till you felt a warm tear run down your neck and onto the couch. Giovanni meant a lot to you.

You loved his beautiful smile, his laugh, his hair, his snappy-sassy personality, his confidence- everything. The day you met Gio was at a gig in your hometown, at this time he was she- meaning aquaria. But nonetheless it was still love at first sight.

You felt more tears and next thing you know, you're fully sobbing. You can't steady your breathing, panicked and telling yourself over and over that Gio had drawn his last straw and was done with you.

Your nails dug into the top part of your hand, because you were frustrated with the fact that you couldn't steady your breathing, and to try and distract your mind with the mild pain from your hand- compared to the severe pain in your head and heart.


I know, really weird place to stop but i just wanna get something out for you to read. I will do a part two if you want me to ;))

-k ♥︎

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