nicky doll • we fell in love in paris pt. 1

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we are back whores! wow its been a while but we are finally back ;) thank you for 14k reads i love you all 💜
i love nicky doll with all my being and this is a cute little chapter. also i dont know how to speak french so if anything is wrong please ignore it. this might be a new series but idk because i start way too many things and never end them sooooo-

*note: nicky is a cis female in this*
i will only ever write nicky as a cis female bc out of drag is kinda weird... hello, shes married.

heres to a comeback bitch.

Fluff n' stuff
[ my babygirl nicky ]

hope y'all enjoy! - k xx

Your POV:
I was on a trip in Paris with Aquaria and many other queens for Werq The World being as I was a backup dancer. And damn do I love it here, it really is how it looks like in the movies. I always thought that shit was so cliché but seeing it all in person is fucking amazing. I visited the Eiffel Tower with the Werq cast and me and Aquaria took the cutest pictures together.

"Aqua, do you think I'll find a french cutie while we're here?" I asked as I linked arms with her, staring at the Eiffel Tower from below.

"Bitch if you get some french dick while we're here, I want in on it too." Aquaria said sassily.

"I would never threesome with you, fuckin' whore." I said mocking a disgusted look on my face.

"You know you want all of this..." She clapped back touching herself and looking all seductive.

"Shut up hottie." I said kissing her on the cheek.

Me and Aquaria got back to the hotel room we shared with Violet and Plastique. That first night we were there was the night we didn't have rehearsal, leaving us time to explore the city. So being the little alcoholics that we were, we all decided to go out to a club and have a little fun.

Once we found a club not that far from our hotel, we got in and made a beeline for the bar. I asked the pretty bartender lady for my regular cocktail and a few pregame shots. After a few shots we all disbursed and went our own way in the club, except for me and Aquaria.

"Why didn't you head off like Plastique and Vi?" I asked patting Aquaria's arm.

"I wanted to make sure you were ok with me going off, and you being by yourself. You know how snobby men are when they are drunk." Aquaria said protectively.

"Aqua, I'll be fine. And you know I'll call for you if I needed help, now go have fun." I reassured her.

Aquaria looked at me making sure it was actually ok. I gave her a nod and a smile and she walked away toward a group of cute french boys.

I stayed at the bar for a little longer, my anxiety not yet masked with the alcohol. I ordered one more drink and made my way into the crowd of people. There was no one that really caught my eye, so I just kept circling around the club whilst vibing with the music.

I looked around for Aquaria. To my surprise she wasn't making out with a guy... yet. We locked eyes and I blew her a kiss, she laughed and flipped me off from where she was sitting.

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