☁︎ violet chachki • sick day ☁︎

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it's my baby's birthday today and i couldnt be more proud of her. shes accomplished so much and theres so much more in store for her.
(shameless plug but i posted a birthday edit for violet on my ig @iovetiara go drop a like and comment)

f l u f f ?
[ jason, but you'll still address her as violet ]

hope you enjoy! xx -k

Third person POV:
(but your perspective)

Violet was sick again.

You hated when Vi was sick because she REFUSED to let you take care of her but DID NOT take care if herself. She just lays in bed all day and occasionally gets up to go to the bathroom.

"Hey baby, need anything?" You say to the lump in the bed. Violet insisted you go to work instead of calling in a day to take care of her.

"Uh-uh." You could hear the stuffy-ness of her nose in her voice.

"Vi c'mon just let me baby you for once." You we're practically begging her at this point.

"No." She snapped back.

"Vi-" You started, but she cut you off again.

"No Y/N." You shook your head, defeated- and went downstairs to start on dinner.

Half an hour later you hear a thud upstairs and the sound of someone throwing up. Worried, you ran upstairs. Sure enough, Violet was sitting on the floor of the bathroom in front of the toilet- throwing up.

"Aww baby, c'mere-" Violet slowly looked up at you, tears streaming down her face. You felt her forehead, surprised at how warm she was.

"Violet what the fuck?! You're burning up, why didn't you fucking call me?" She was still slightly crying.

"I didn't want to bother you-" She coughed before adding,
"My stomach hurts..."

Violet face scrunched up as a wave of pain hit her in the gut. She held her stomach curling up and leaning her head back against the tiled wall.

"Stay here I'm going to grab some pain killers and the thermometer." You hurried back downstairs to grab that, plus some crackers and gatorade.

You went back into the bathroom and helped Violet up so she could sit in your king sized bed. She leaned against the headboard while you pulled the duvet over her legs.

You took her temperature- it read 101.

Ugh I swear this is what happens when this bitch is so damn stubborn. You thought looking at the thermometer, shaking your head.

You gave Vi some medicine for the fever, then some painkillers for her stomach ache. After, you fed her a few crackers and made her drink some gatorade.

"I- I'm sorry... I just didn't want to be a bother." She said after a while of silence.

"Baby... You are sick. You aren't able to take care of yourself right now, thats what I am here for. you are never a bother, don't think like that Vi." You took your hand and stroked the stray hairs off her forehead.

You crawled under the duvet next to Violet, resting your head on her shoulder.

"Baby I'm gonna get you sick-" Violet protested.

"Shut up." You said smirking.

"Fine but just because I missed cuddling with you." She gave a small smile, and continued to rest her head atop yours.

You grabbed the remote to the TV and turned on Netflix, continuing both your favorite series at the moment- Pose. (quick note if you haven't watched Pose on Fx or Netflix go watch it, trust me- its an amazing show.)

"Ugh, you're like my own Angel... Except without a dick." Violet laughed. (You will understand that if you watch the show. Angel is Transexual and hasn't had the whole re-assignment surgery down there)

You hit Violet playfully on the arm-

"Bitch, one- I'm not nearly as pretty as her, and two- I am Not a hooker." I sassed, laughing.

"HEY! Don't ever disrespect my baby Angel, she had to-" I cut her off.

"I was joking baby. We love and respect Angel in this household. And hey, if I'm your Angel- then you are my rich white boy from the suburbs." I scream-laughed at my own damn joke.

"You see I'd clap back but that was clever you bitch." Violet laughed.

We stayed in bed until I ended up falling asleep on Vi. I felt her reach a warm hand up to stroke my head. Then I heard her whisper.

"I love when you baby me..." I smiled falling fully asleep.

hope you enjoyed my loves! this was a bit short so my apologies. expect (and this is a BUG surprise) MORE AQUARIA! it was requested plus i love writing her. but i WILL do other queens if requested. also this is not proof read because we are what? lazy.

love you guys! -k

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