aquaria • naked.

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i know i havent posted so take this 2500 word oneshot as a token of my apology xx

i just started HIGH SCHOOL and let me tell you this shit aint cute maam. im already abt to drop out and go to clown academy.

i have gotten requests and will eventually get to them but they will take a bit.. i apologize.

MY PLAN FOR "naked." it is inspired by naked (by James Arthur) which i left above.
i wanna write this version in your/the readers POV. if i get to it, i WANT to write the same thing but in aquaria/giovanni's POV. thats what i want to do, no promises tho.


[ drag status switches throughout ]

hope you guys enjoy! xx -k

Your POV:

I heard the door open and immediately felt my blood boil. I knew damn well who it was- because who else would it be at 4 o'clock in the fucking morning. I was sitting on the couch waiting for aquaria to get home- like how I had been for the past week- because she promised to be home for dinner. And she was home in time- if you eat dinner at 4 am. But hey, at least she was early for breakfast right?

She was in half drag, half drunk, wig off, costume off, heels on, mug still on, and full clubbing-all-fucking-night mode on. She half stumbled, half coherently- walked into the living room, trying to be quiet but failing miserably. She noticed you and her face dropped.

"Y/N! I know I said I'd be home for dinner but the gig ran late and a friend from Vegas surprised me and I wanted to stay a bit after to catch up. I'm sorr-" I cut her off, I was gonna get mad but I really couldn't bother at such an ungodly time in the morning.

"No, I get it.. It's fine." I got up and walked to my room. I hardly slept in my room, I was always found in Giovanni's- but tonight I really couldn't. Gio watched me, and looked like he was gonna protest- But stopped himself.

I woke up 3 hours later to head to my old studio apartment. It was my first home ever in New York, before I met Gio and before we moved in together. I didn't have it in my heart to sell it. So I used my tip money from my gigs and money from my job to help and still pay the rent. Plus this was a great place to practice for my different gigs, and to escape Giovanni when we were in a bad argument.

I was a (mostly) self taught dancer and would perform at different places. Whether it was for different performing arts groups or colleges around New York for extra cash. But my main job was a barista at Starbucks. Gio also got me into the drag scene a bit and started to hook me up for gigs at the bars he started in. My drag name wasn't permanent, some days it was ass trology or starr sine a "play on words" for astrology and star sign- since Giovanni's name was aquaria. But that was rare since I prioritized my dance things and my main job.

I opened the door to my apartment and sat on the wood floor. I opened my playlist and looked for a new song I felt like dancing to. I had a gig at the end of the week and didn't feel like performing one of my other numbers.

I found myself hovering over "Naked" by James Arthur. I connected my phone to my bluetooth speaker and started to come up with choreography.

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