☁︎ aquaria • facetime pt. 1 ☁︎

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im so sorry, i started a summer school thing so i can earn a PE credit for school. and i LITERALLY started it they day after my fever went away. anywayyyy

i know what you are thinking... "really whore... a tana song?..." and you know what i have to say to that?... shit happens... and 'shit' happens to be getting inspired through a tana mougeau song...

anyhow, i call this one:
mymentalhealthisfallingappart and im kinda sad, my apologies.

break up
[ giovanni / aquaria]

hope you enjoy! xx -k

Your POV:

"Hey Y/N, sorry my call is late tonight. We had some complications at the venue and had to stay a little later. But we just boarded the bus on our way to our next flight to our next city." I was staring at my brightly lit phone in my nearly pitch black room.

"It's fine." I mumble rubbing my eyes. Aquaria's pink outfit, wig, and makeup casting a pink light on my face. Gio hadn't had the chance to de-drag, since he just left the venue.

"Hey... What time is it? You're never in bed earlier than 11 pm. That means its late..." I went on pause for a second to check the time- 2:43.

"It's 2:43 am." I said, continuing to rub my eyes.

"Baby go to bed. It's really late and you have a class tomorrow." Gio said going on pause for a minute, before returning to the call.

"No-" I paused yawning- "I'm fine."

"Ok whatever you say Y/N. Hold on, Kameron just texted me and asked me to help her with something. Be right back and then you can tell me how your day went." Aquaria said plopping her phone down on the couch and getting up.

"Mm..." I said, eyes already drooping.

I could hear Aquaria and Kameron in the background faintly, but I was half asleep. So it was just noise for me. By the time Aquaria was done, I was practically asleep. But I still heard her presence.

"Y- oh. Shit." Then she went silent. I cracked my eyes open a bit, only to realize she had just gone on mute. I felt safe with her on the phone, so I proceeded to fall asleep on facetime.

(small time skip xx)

I woke to my alarm the next morning. I got up out of bed and got ready for my class.

The whole day I was distracted by something that was coming up. Werq The World lets the queens fly their loved ones out to a city of their choice for a show. Aquaria had chosen her mom- Gina, to fly out to her Paris show since going to Paris was something on her bucket list. Which is totally understandable.

But Werq is letting Aquaria fly out one more person since her birthday is coming up. And Aquaria chose to fly me out to their show in Italy, since I've never been. And the trip has been all I thought about for the past week- and the days leading up to it is becoming less and less. I finally get to see my girlfriend in what seemed like months.

(another time skip xx)

I had gotten home from my class, waiting for Gio's call which normally comes at 4:30- but it was nearing 4:45 and he still hasn't called yet.

When Giovanni called me it was nearing 5:30. The class I was taking for a PE credit has been really wearing me out, and Gio's calls have been a little later. So by the time he calls me, I'm about ready to fall asleep.

I went upstairs to me and Gio's shared room and got comfy before answering the facetime call.

"Hey..." I mumbled, already falling asleep in the comfort of our king sized bed.

"Sorry again Y/N... queens have been leaving to film all stars meaning we have to get replacements. Also resulting in more frequent and longer rehearsals... I'm sorry." Gio said sighing and running a hand through his hair.

"No, G... It's ok, I get it." I replied, even if his schedule was really weighing down on the both of us.

"I know you are tired, just get some sleep. I'll stay on the call as long as I can to watch over you." Gio said softly, staring at my face- undoubtedly seeing the bags under my eyes.

I was gonna protest but I was already falling asleep and couldn't pass up the offer.

So, like how it had been for the past few days... I fell asleep on facetime.

this was shitty and really short im sorry... i just really wanna push out some kinda update. part two will (hopefully) be up soon.

i hope this isnt too bad, my mental health is plummeting so im also dealing with that- my apologies.

this is 1000% not proofread so ignore any mistakes

i love you all. -k

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