violet • give up

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sad boi hours.
im in the mood to write another argument so here is this trash-

sad (mentions of a panic attack)
[ out of drag but addressed as Violet ]

hope you guys enjoy! xx -k

Your POV:

"Violet stop." I said desperately. Violet was knocking over the picture frames in our shared room. With every picture that hit the ground, there was a new crack in my heart.

"No. If you keep claiming I'M the bitch, then I'll be the fucking bitch!" She knocked over the very last picture, it was one of us in paris. Eiffel tower in the background, sharing a cute kiss. We were there for fashion week.

I just stood there, silent tears rolling down my cheeks. I was out of energy, the past few days we've just been fighting. And it's gotten worse and worse every time. All my energy to fight was completely gone, I just pathetically stood there. Probably in the beginning stages of a panic attack, my breathing couldn't be steadied and my hands were sweating.

"violet..." I whimpered under my breath, with everything I had left. She still couldn't hear me- she was in the middle of pulling her suitcase from under our bed and throwing her shit inside.

My panicking increased, and I dug my nails into the top of my hand. Frustrated that I couldn't steady my breathing and to distract myself from the aching pain in my heart.

I saw Violet throw in this one hoodie- my hoodie- into her suitcase before pausing. She looked at it, before realizing it was mine. She then proceeded to remove it from her suitcase and throw it back on our bed.

I jumped feeling something hit my back. But realizing that it was just the wall I ended up inching toward in an abundant amount of panic. It was like my body was in autopilot, and I was just watching my life unravel before my very eyes.

Without even myself noticing, I slowly slid down the wall. Curling into a ball sitting on the floor, still silently sobbing the whole time.

My long nails digging into my hand still didn't help distract my mind, so I subconsciously started tugging at my hair. My mind now sending me into a whole other universe.

there she goes
packing her stuff
about to do something she should've done a longgg time ago
this is because of you
because you kept complaining having to wait until 4 am for her to come home

this is your fault.

The room started spinning, your chest hurt and your head was pounding. You didn't realize you started talking, with unexpected strength.

"Violet. Fucking. Stop. Please." You pleaded, still curled up into a ball- tugging at your now- not so silky- hair.

Third person POV: (from your perspective)

Violet looked over, still annoyed and angry- until she saw you.

Now she wasn't even mad. She was terrified.

You didn't even look like a person, just a tense ball on the floor.

Violet scrambled over to you, you were rocking back and forth, sobbing silently to yourself and tugging on your hair.

"Y/N- stop, you're gonna hurt yourself. Please." But you couldn't hear her. Now she was the one panicking.

She untangled your fingers from your hair carefully, before grabbing your chin lightly having you look up at her.

"Breath Y/N, it's ok." There were still tears streaming down your face, but after a few minutes your breathing calmed down to a manageable pace.

Violet whipped your tears from your cheeks, pressing her forehead against yours. Closing her eyes.

"I remember the first night I met you... You were waiting outside one of my gigs, and you asked me for a picture-" She paused smiling lightly to herself.

"You were freaking out like a little fan girl idiot... But that was it. That fucking geeked out idiot smile is what convinced me to fight for that fragile heart of yours. I remember I asked for your number and called you cute after talking to you for literally only five minutes. You thought I was drunk out of my mind for asking you, but the truth was? The only thing I was intoxicated with was your strawberry smelling perfume. And look at us now. We been through so much mi amor. I'm sorry I can't be home all the time, but I will never, ever, ever. Give up what we have. This is special and worth fighting for.

You started crying again. But this time not because of a panic attack- you loved her. Your relationship with Violet was so fucking rocky, but you both fought so hard to get where you both were today...

and you weren't about to give up.

that was it. 3 am sad boi hours are FUN

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