aquaria • i think im falling for my gay bestfriend

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this is dedicated to the cutest mufucka i know, (he'll never see this) but he gay asf and im just like damn ma why you gotta be gay you cute ass bitch.


[ giovanni]

hope you guys enjoy! xx -k

Third person from your perspective:

You arrived to school and immediately went to go meet up with your best friend- Giovanni. You had met Gio when he joined your dance group. He was always the cute popular gay boy that everyone wanted to be friends with. At the time Gio wasn't very trusting of people so he had a very small friend circle.

However after you saw him, you knew you had to become his friend. And it didn't help that he was also one year older.

Despite that, many compliments, awkward first conversations, and text messages later, you two were inseparable. You and Gio even still took dance clases together.

You didn't know what it was about Gio that made him so special, was it his soft spoken voice? His flawless hair? Perhaps his gorgeous smile and infectious laugh? Whatever it was, you loved him and he was your best friend.

You saw Gio standing by Mrs. Rena's class- Both you and Gio's favorite english teacher. Gio looked up from his phone, smiling when he saw you.

"Hey beshie." Gio smiled, hugging you into his side.

"Hey dad." You said, smelling Gio's signature scent. You didn't know what he smelled like- if you were asked to describe it you would just say he smelled like "Gio." It was his own unique smell that you have never experienced before, and it made you love him even more.

You both walked into Mrs. Rena's class and sat down in the very front corner, closest to her main desk.

"Hey there you two." She said smiling when she saw us. Not to flex, but Gio and I were her favorites. I had a close bond with her through Giovanni, because she was his past english teacher as well. We would always come in during lunch and complain about other teachers or to just spill tea in general.

"Ugh, we have a test for Williams world history today- and guess who didn't study." I said rolling my eyes.

"I remember how like half the class scored at least a C on that test. It really is a rough one." Gio said laughing

"Well that's your fault for not studying Y/N." Mrs. Rena said shaking her head.

"But Miss!!! I hate that class anyway, Mr. Williams doesn't even do anything to actually teach us. Plus this is the only class I study anything for." I said smirking, that was 100% true because Mrs. Rena's class was the only one I looked forward to.

"Oh gosh, what am I gonna do with you Y/N." She said laughing.

"...You could write me a pass to Mr. Williams world history period one so I can stay and help you grade papers?" I said hopefully. She always pulls Gio and I out of our periods so we can help her do "work" but sometimes we just eat and talk to each other.

"No Y/N I've pulled you and Gio once this week already. You have to go to Williams class today." Mrs. Rena said sternly.

"Awwe c'mon miss, my algebra 2 class fucking flops." Gio chimed in.

"Language Mr. Giovanni Palandrani- and I said no, I pulled you out of your classes once this week already.

"That is Mrs. Palandrani to you Rena." Gio said, pretending to flip hair over his shoulder.

"Trust me, if I could just steal you both from your classes so you can help me grade the piles and piles of work I have- I would. But I can't-" She laughed, then the bell rang.

"Go to class my children." She laughed shooing us off.

"See you lunch Miss!" Gio and I said before making our way into the packed school hallways.

(small time skip xx)

The bell rang after our second period, signaling lunch. I walked out of my AP english class and made it over to the math wing, since Gio was getting out of geometry.

"G-" I called, making my way through the busy crowd over to Giovanni.

"Move it freshie-" One of the upper class men shoved me out of the way, me being the awkward shit I am- I just took the shove and made it over to Gio.

But by Gio's facial expression, he was not having it.

"Gio- not today-" I said, stopping him from saying anything. I really didn't want the trouble today. Giovanni gave me a stern look, but didn't snap back at the asshole who pushed me.

new series bitches. yes its an aquaria one because shes my wife. i will try to write other queens, but i swear this might as well be strictly an aquaria fucking one shot book.

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