☁︎ aquaria/miz cracker • lil sister ☁︎

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this was requested by @80s90sTeen 💛

you (the reader) is miz cracker's little sister, and when miz introduces you to aquaria you two immediately hit it off :)

[ aquaria and Miz Cracker ]

enjoy! -k xx

Your POV:
"Y/N!! Your entrance is in 5 minuets!" One of the producers called into my dressing room. I was on the set of drag race ready to surprise my big sister- Miz Cracker- for the makeover challenge. It has been my literal DREAM to be on a makeover episode, and to be doing it with my sister? It made it even better.

I was waiting behind the two big doors that led to the werk room, my heart was pounding and my hands were sweating. Maxy didn't know I was here, he told me he was going on a top secret vacation and would see me in a couple of months. I had immediately called bullshit after seeing that his drag room was pretty much emptied out. The call from the show just confirmed my suspicions.

"Ladies gather round!" I heard Ru say.
"Although that mini challenge was fun, I have another surprise for you..." Thats when the doors started to slowly open, and I ran out.

"Cracker hasn't been home to feed me dinnerrrrr!!!!" I yelled out.

My eyes immediately flew to my sister, and she was shocked. Her hands flew to her mouth and she turned around like she was about to cry.

"I KNOW, you didn't get that little bitch to fly all the way out to LA. She hates plane rides." Cracker said still facing he other way- probably crying- in an attempt to be funny and hide her happy tears.

"Well this 'little bitch' is here right? Now turn around and give me a hug." I snapped back, running towards her- my arms open wide.

We met halfway and she gave me a giant bear hug. We walked back into the line with the rest of the queens.

My eye caught with Monét, Yuhua, and Dusty, seeing as they are all from New York and Cracker has introduced me to them before. All of them tried to drag me up and adopt me into their hause, but I was already part of the hause of Liaison. Pearl was my best friend and also my drag mama.

My eye also caught with the one and only Aquaria she was HUGE in the New York City drag scene and being that her drag mama was Sharon Needles, she was the one to beat here. I smiled when her eyes met mine, and she winked at me looking back to the double doors. Miz had never introduced me to Aquaria seeing as they had quite the tension back home. People loved to compare Aquaria and my sister- giving them the name of "the twins" which I didn't at all like. They both had their own talents and drag styles that should be celebrated separately. I knew there was no bad blood, but all of the New Yorkers made it seem otherwise.

The queens loved ones stared to pour in more till we eventually got to Aquaria. Then in walked Jordan and the sassy Aquaria I knew from back home was gone. She immediately started crying, and I felt really bad for her. She always had on a fierce upfront, and to see her break within 2 seconds? That's how hard his competition must be for these girls.

(small time skip xx)

Ru assigned each duo a color and they had to incorporate it into their final runway. We got pink. perfect for Cracker's Jewish barbie fantasy. I wasn't paying attention long enough to hear everyones color, but I know Yuhua got green, Mayhem got yellow, Dusty got black, and Aquaria got blue.

After Ru left the werk room all the queens scrambled to get to work. I stuck close to Cracker's side, careful not to get in any of the other girls ways. I was catching up with my big sister, telling her how our mom was, how our dog Koki was, and how Katelyn was.

"Thank got for mama Katelyn, shes been the one feeding me since your ass has been here." I joked pinching my sisters arm lightly.

"God how I haven't miss you..." She joked back, making me stand with my arms out so she could measure a piece of pink satin fabric for my garment.

"So who's top trade?" I asked after looking around the werk room and catching the eye of a fine ass man.

"Definitely Kameron. That bitch could come get these crackers anytime she he wants. Literally everyone wants to fuck him here." I look back over to that fine ass piece of trade and smile shyly after we catch each others gaze again. Then, to my surprise he starts walking over.

"Cracker, your sister looks like she's enjoying what I'm serving her..." He then winks at me.

"Shut it Michaels, I thought you didn't talk much?" Cracker looked up at Kameron, hitting her beefy bicep and chuckling.

"Well ok then I'll introduce myself- Hey I'm Kameron Michaels. The body builder barbie and the OFFICIAL trade of season 10." He says in a much cuter fem voice then what he approached us with.

"Hey I'm Y/N... And um... You're like really hot." I laughed getting a rough slap from Cracker.

"I get that a lot, nice meeting you. Hey Crackie, good luck on the garment." Kameron said before walking back to his station to continue his runway look. Cracker was still focused on measuring the garments and getting the sewing machine ready so I went over to the mirror to check my hair. I found myself really ugly in makeup because I had NO IDEA what to do, so I go bare faced.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Aquaria watching me fix my hair in the mirror. Jordan hit her arm sassily to get her attention and followed her gaze over to me. I overheard something Jordan said.

"G, that's Cracker's sister." Jordan says, still looking at me along with Aquaria.

"Jordan I'm not a fucking idiot I know that's her sister. Why are you even telling me this..?" Aquaria snapped back.

"Cause' you are fucking staring at her. You must be really deprived of dick here if you are looking at a girl like you can see right through their panties." Jordan said maybe a little too loudly.

"Jordan, fuck off. And while you are at it shut the fuck up and help me with your damn dress." Aquaria went back to working at her station.

- To Be Continued...

There will 1000000% be a part two ! and ty again @80s90sTeen for requesting this ! i will get pt. up vvvvvvv soon -k xx 💛 (1134 words)

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