Can I have a light? • new book teaser!

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hey loves! thank you for all your feedback on my latest post, after reading the responses ive decided i will be starting a brand new book for all my queen x queen ships!

here is a little snippet of the new content, of course starting with my newest favorite ship...

(Lesbian gigi and nicky)

highschool gfs but not really
[ gigi x nicky ]

Third Person POV:
Nicky was so over it, she just wanted to get up and leave this damn class. What the fuck am I gonna need y=mx+b for in real life, she thought as she gazed off into space.

"Nicolette, the board is up here-" Her middle aged conservative white teacher said, pulling her out of her trance. Nicky rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag, getting up to leave the classroom.

"Miss Doll I will call security if you step out that door." Mrs. Smith called to her, but she could care less.

"Go ahead miss-" Nicky called as she waved, halfway out the door. It was her last period and the security liked her because they saw her so much, they couldn't care less about her skipping.

Nicky walked to her locker to put her heavy ass bio book away, there was no way she was taking that home.

"Nicks, skipping class again?" She heard a voice from a little ways down the hall,

"You know it, Smith was getting on my nerves." She replied closing her locker, turning to see her favorite security guard Cliff.

"You gotta go to class sometime kid, or I'll take you back myself." Cliff chuckled.

"Hey I went twice this week, and I stayed for more than 10 minutes cut me some slack. I'll buy you lunch tomorrow for letting me off the hook." Nicky winked as she started walking towards the exit of the school.

"You know I always let you off punk, get home safe kid." Cliff called out smiling.

"See ya Cliff-" Nicky turned on her heel and gave a small two fingered salut, before swinging open the glass doors to the exit.

Nicky walked to one of the buildings on the outskirts of the campus, before she got out her phone to text her friend Jaida.

skipped smiths class, care to join me? xx

essence of booty 🥰
chile you know grant would kick my ass if i snuck out again, plus we are in the middle of an exam.

fuckin hell. youve gone to her class everyday this week, i just wanna smoke and head to your place.

essence of booty 🥰
i know but if i fail this class my mom wont let me go out on the weekends sorry nicky. just light one up and wait for me at the spot.

already one step ahead of you. good luck on your test whore 😘

essence of booty 🥰
bitchass xx

Nicky rummaged through her backpack for her pack of cigarettes, when she found it she pulled one out and put it between her fiery red lips while she zipped up her bag. She stuck a hand in her pocket for her lighter but was extremely annoyed when she was met with an abyss of fabric, damn thats the second one this week. She sighed and tucked the unlit cigarette behind her ear.

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