important message

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im sure you all know about whats been happening in in the US recently. i think what's happening is fucking disgusting, but i wanna keep up the positive energy on here bc thats what we all need rn. but ill always support ALL members of the black community, and i will ALWAYS stand for BLM. (please dont be the one to say 'all lives matter' i do not wanna see that here ty) but with all that being said, i wanna use the small platform that i have here to help in anyway i can, so the link on my profile will send you to a master doc. there is a bunch of other links to resources and petitions you can sign/read to help. i also have a master doc of links to bail out funds you can donate to, dm me for the link.

retweet things, re post things, keep sharing stuff, donate if possible, and go to protests if possible (and stay safe ofc), keep up to date and aware of what happens day-to-day. we need to make a change NOW, no justice no peace.

-k. ✊🏼💗✊🏽💗✊🏿

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