☁︎ aquaria • Ex pt. 2 ☁︎

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im killing the update game ;)

saddle up hookers... we taking this bitch to the rodeo

b r e a k u p?
[ giovanni ]

hope you enjoy! xx -k

Giovanni's POV:

I went back up to our bedroom an hour later, I saw the tray of food still on the nightstand. It looked like you took a couple of bites, but not nearly enough to fill your stomach. I sighed and took the plate back downstairs.

I washed the dishes and then went to get ready for bed. After I was done, I slipped under the duvet on my side of the bed. I didn't know wether to cuddle with you, or just leave you alone. I know you always felt better when we cuddled, but at the same time I didn't think cuddling was the solution to this problem.

After a while of staring at the ceiling- my mind going at hundreds of miles an hour- I felt my eyes start to droop, and I fell asleep.

At least an hour and a half later I randomly woke up. I was about to get up and use the bathroom when I heard your sniffles. I froze in bed.

I slightly looked over and saw that you were sitting up in bed, facing the wall. I couldn't take anymore of hearing you cry so I decided to say something- even if I was the reason you were crying and you probably didn't need any more of me at the moment.

"Y/N, why are you up? It's like 2 in the morning..." I slowly started to sit up. You were startled by my voice, and jumped slightly.

"O-Oh... Sorry, did I wake you up?" You said, still facing the wall.

"No, I just randomly woke up. Why are you crying baby?" Baby. I didn't mean to call you that. It just came out of instinct. I cringed when you physically started to curl into yourself, I felt so fucking bad.

"Just a bad dream... Go back to bed, I'll be fine. I know you have a gig tomorrow afternoon. Then you're performing at club Elixhher tomorrow night. You need rest." You were still looking out for me. I hated what I was doing to you.

There was a moment of silence before you spoke up again.

"I-I know... About Filip, don't worry. It's not your fault. I should've just kept my distance, and never should've asked for your number at Starbucks, and never should've said yes to the date- because I knew-" I was startled that you just started rambling but I immediately cut you off-

"Y/N stop... Don't blame yourself... I-It's no ones fault but mine. Y-You are one of the first people I've been with that really, truly care for me and I took advantage of that... I'm so sorr-" I couldn't finish the sentence. I just broke down in tears.

(from now on i am incorporating the song lyrics into the story. the lyrics will be written in italics.)f

"I don't wanna be your ex..." You said after a while of us just sitting in silence and crying.

"You know.. We went from two a.m. calls, to zero communication... we spent to long in heaven, I guess." You paused, tapping your left pointer finger on your leg. I had nothing to say to defend myself. I was 100% wrong. Now all I can do is listen.

"Just cause it's different and we're not not the same, doesn't mean things have to change." That's when you finally looked at me, all puffy eyed and tear-stained. I felt even more tears stream down my face.

"I got no trouble with my pride, got trouble cutting ties... I don't wanna lose you." You reached over with a shaky hand and grabbed my slender fingers. I looked down at our hands. Listening to you continue.

"I don't wanna be your ex... Before this, we were too good at being friends. Can we still hang out? On the low, get wild? Like how we used to? Go get crazy drunk at club Elixher and then go home and pass out on top of each other? Because I miss that." When I didn't say anything, you continued.

"I don't wanna be your 'hit ya girl up with a text, when your alone and feeling stressed...' Because we both know I'm more than that to you." Then you said one thing that started up a whole other waterfall of tears-

"I don't gotta be in love with you, to love you..."

"And the same goes for you... I just don't want to be your ex. I love you Giovanni and I wanna skip the awkward run ins, and the pretending like we're strangers. We fought so hard to get here, I don't want it to come to that. If I can't be your girlfriend, I can still be your best friend..." I looked up and you and you gave me a light smile, I pulled you into my arms. Resting my head atop yours, you started silent crying into my chest- and I just let you get it out.

After we both started to collect our nerves, you looked up at me-

"I love you Giovanni... More than I love myself." You said, voice cracking toward the end.

"I love you more Y/N, and I really hope you believe that..."

I slowly leaned in and we kissed. It was sweet, loving, passionate- and most importantly- real.

We weren't kissing as lovers, friends, or even exes- we were kissing as soulmates. There was nothing you could do to break us. No boyfriend, girlfriend, or problem could tear us apart.

shit, i think this is kinda awful... what do y'all think? also anything specific things you guys wanna see next? lmk.

hope you all enjoyed! xx -k

(980 words)

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