☁︎ aquaria/miz cracker • lil sister pt. 2 ☁︎

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hey babies, ya gorl is back ;DD
pt. 2 to little sister is fucking HERE im sorry if its messy!

enjoy! xx -k

(aquaria's name will match her status if its in drag or not)

Your POV:
(First person)
Me and Cracker were waiting stage left to enter and do our runway. I loved the way our looks turned out-we both had on stunning satin pink dresses, with the occasional butterfly here and there for extraness. Cracker and I were SERVING it to the judges, being fucking hilarious and playing up a storyline on the runway. There was one point while walking the runway a second time, where one of the butterflies on my dress fell. Instead of leaving it, I turned my ass around and bent to pick it up. I was camping it up for everyone. The judges had a GAG over it and started laughing. I could tell I was making my sister proud.

After all the girls went up and did their runway walks, it was time to go back to the main stage for the judges critiques. As I followed Cracker to the main stage, I overheard Jordan bitching to Aquaria about how his feet hurt. I chuckled to myself and looked over at the duo, Aquaria made eye contact with me and rolled her eyes mouthing, "Help me." I giggled again mouthing back "Good luck." I looked back to the line heading to the stage with butterflies not only on my dress, but in my stomach. Gosh, Aquaria was so damn cute.

If I were being honest, I blanked out for a long time while we were standing on the main stage. My feet hurt, it felt like there was 69 pounds if makeup on my face, my 10 pairs of lashes were making my eyes droop- needless to say I was fucking tired.

Suddenly the judges attention was turned to my sister and I. The judges- and by that I mean mainly Michelle- had one thing negative to say about our outfits, but other than that the judges ATE our execution and presentation on the runway. I was SO happy for Cracker.

The judges excused us from the main stage so they could have a moment to deliberate. I grasped Cracker's hand for dear life on the way back stage- I swear my ass could've dropped to the floor at any given minute. We walked into the longe area and I immediately threw off my heels and took a seat in-front of one of the mirrors, as expected checking my wig and makeup. I again, see Aquaria standing at the other end of the room watching me through the mirror. We make more awkward eye contact and I quickly look away blushing.

I got up from my position in front of the mirror and went back to the couches to ask Cracker for directions to the bathroom. She offered to go with me but I insisted in going alone. I wanted a quiet place where I could just take a breather and clear my my mind. Drag queens are fucking loud and never have an off button. But I love it, its always like a big family party.

I set the small touch up bag Cracker gave me on the countertop. I took a look at myself in the mirror and noticed that my lipstick was kinda fucked up. I went to dig in the bag to look for the shade of lipstick Cracker had put on me. But knowing me, when I finally found it at the bottom of the bag- I dropped it.

I was about to bend over and pick up the lipstick when the bathroom door gently swung open. I looked at who walked in, almost falling onto the damn floor. There stood, Aquaria. She saw the pink lipstick on the floor and bent over to grab it.

"Hey, you dropped this." She said handing back the lipstick, brushing over my hand in the process. I blushed so hard I swear my cheeks were so warm.

"Thank you..." I said looking down, I physically couldn't look at her. She was that beautiful.

"Hey-" She started, and to my fucking surprise- she gently grabbed my chin and lifted my head, forcing me to make direct eye contact.

"Better. I really wanna look at the beautiful cutie I'm up against for this win." She smirked looking from the top of my wig, to the tip of my heel.

"Th-Thank you?" I thought I was gonna pass out from the amount of anxiety I was receiving at this moment.

"If you'd like to, you can sneak into my room and we can get to know each other?" I'm so surprised my jaw didn't visibly drop at what she just said. But without hesitation I gave her an answer.

"Sure..." I smirked back at her.

"I'll see you then." She winked and walked out of the bathroom.

My heart was racing and I swear the room was 15 degrees hotter than when I walked in. I overheard the five minute warning and had to quickly get my shit together. I fixed my lipstick and hurried back to Cracker.

"What took you so long?" She looked at me with a concerned expression.

"I'm sorry, I just needed a few minutes to collect myself and touch up." Cracker looked skeptical but thankfully didn't push anymore questions. Instead she pulled me into a firm loving hug and kissed the top of my head. She pulled away and I gave her a soft smile.

We headed out onto the main stage and the judges gave all the queens their placements. Unfortunately Kameron and Monét didn't do so well and they had to lipsync.

But guess what.... ME AND CRACKER WON! When the judges said "Miz Cracker, you are the winner of this weeks challenge." Cracker's face looked so happy, I was so fucking excited for her. And I'm glad I could share this with her- she deserved it.

Kameron and Monét lipsynced- Kameron sent Monét packing. Upholding her title of 'lipsync assassin' after wards the queens de-dragged and headed for the vans taking us to the hotel. I was spending one more night here in LA and then we fly out tomorrow. I made eye contact with Aquaria and immediately sat next to her, since Cracker was having a chat with Mayhem and Jordan was off flirting with Kameron.

On the way to the hotel My eyes started to get heavier and heavier. Eventually I couldn't keep them open any longer and I fell asleep. My head dropping to rest on Giovanni's shoulder.

HEY FINALLY A PART 2 !!!! sorry for such the delay, i took a bit of a longer break oops :/
anyway, there WILL be a part 3 if thats what you all want. I LOVE YOU BABIES ❤️

xx -k

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