☁︎ aquaria • arguing pt. 2 ☁︎

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part two of arguing

f l u f f ?
[ giovanni ]

enjoy!! xx - k

Giovanni's POV:

I couldn't stop crying, I hated arguing with you. These past few arguments were really pulling at the strings of our relationship and I was deathly afraid it was gonna snap. I loved doing drag (mostly) full time and it made me unbelievably happy- but then again so did you.

I wasn't willing to give up what we've built with this relationship for Aquaria, but I've already sacrificed so much time and effort to build up a career for her. It was a war between two different universes right now, and I was right in the eye of the storm.

I could here your sniffles from the living room- not entirely sure if you could hear mine too.

I hated it when you cried, the way your whole face seemed to shrivel up in a pained manor. Like your whole body hurt and you couldn't figure out a way to numb the pain.

The sniffling had softened a bit but it was still fairly audible from our bedroom. I got up and made my way to the living room, not being able to lay in bed and hear your crying any longer.

There you were on the couch, curled up in a ball. Your right hand was clawing at the skin of your left- something I had noticed you do when you were crying or frustrated. You always tell me it's to distract from the tears and stress of the situation.

"Baby..." I call out, and you flinch- further curling into a ball.
"Baby c'mon... don't do that to your hand, it's gonna leave a mark. And come back to the room to sleep with me, I know how much sleeping on the couch hurts your back." You look over your shoulder just enough to barely make eye contact with me.

"N-n-no.. I'll b-be fine out h-here. You have a-a gig, you need to rest." You still had trouble steadying your breaths, and it made my heart ache at how you were struggling to get words out.

"Bubbah... I'm sorry. I should've just listened to what you had to say earlier, but instead I clapped back. I totally understand why you were upset- fuck, I would be too if I was in your position... I should've just let you get all the anger out." I paused for a bit, I was never really good with words so it took me a sec to figure out what else to say.

"You are very important to me and I hope you know that. I don't ever want you to think that I would choose Aquaria over you. You are my first priority, you were there for me in times when Aquaria couldn't fix the problem. You are there for me whenever I need you, and no one has ever been that way with me. But if you are gonna take anything out of this whole apology, take this- I don't ever, EVER want you to forget my love for you. I had given up so much to make this work- but it doesn't matter because you are the love of my life. I will ALWAYS be here for you wether you like it or not. Don't ever let that leave that pretty little head of yours." I could feel the teas creeping back, thinking 'damn I fucking love this girl.'

You finally looked back up at me after a moment. I saw the slightest smile crack your pained face.

"I love you G..." I looked back at you all puffy-eyed, thanking whoever it was that sent this perfect angel to me.

"I love you more bubs." I reached out and grasped your left hand. It was littered with crescent shaped cuts from your nails digging into the skin.

I brought your hand up to my mouth and peppered kisses everywhere.

"I can't breathe." You looked at me, with a sort of smile-dazed out facial expression.

You'd tell me that you got this feeling when you're with me. It felt like you were falling, passing out, riding a roller coaster, having a panic attack, and butterflies all at the same time. It pulled at your heart strings to the point where you felt like you couldn't breathe.

To anyone this would be such a mortifying thing. But it was a thing we had together when we couldn't describe what we were feeling in the moment- good or bad.

Neither of us were ever one with our words, so this caught onto us pretty fast.

We stayed like that on the couch for a little before your eyes started to droop. Using all the strength in my twink-ass arms, I lifted you off our black leathers sofa and carried you to our bedroom.

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