☁︎ aquaria • Ex pt. 1 ☁︎

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i left the song above. this whole one shot is inspired by this song so please listen to it and listen to the lyrics.
(or dont i dont control you guys😂)

b r e a k u p ?
[ giovanni ]

hope you guys enjoy! xx -k

Giovanni's POV:

"So what, back to your girlfriend?" Jordan teased as he was driving me home from the airport. I just got off the European leg of the Werq The World tour, and you were at work so you couldn't come pick me up.

Jordan was teasing me because he knew I haven't been feeling the whole "us" thing lately. He knew that at the start of tour I was distant from you. Then a while after tour started I had stoped texting you daily- and it showed. We'd get into fights over text about it and it always ended in me convincing you that it was just because we were rehearsing all day, but that wasn't true. I just didn't want to talk to you.

"Shut up." I snapped, I didn't need this headache as soon as I got back to New York.

"Why don't you just break up with her?" Jordan asked making a "duh" face.

"You don't get it. I can't just do that to her, she has feelings too Jordan." I rubbed my temples with my index and middle finger.

"Bitch... You knew damn well that you liked dick. And you went out and got a whole ass girl. I think that one's on you sis." Jordan chuckled.

"Jordan, shut. the. fuck. up. I love her- loved her. She wasn't just some one night- one time, typa thing. I actually had feelings for her. But before tour... when rehearsals started I started getting closer to Filip..." I looked down. I was disappointed in myself. Disappointed that I had put you in such a fucked up situation.

Jordan dropped me off at our shared home, your flashy red car wasn't in the driveway so I knew you were still at work.

I sighed and walked up with my luggage, letting myself into our house.

Your POV:

I was at work at the Starbucks near our house.

"Matt do you know if we have anymore fruit for the Mango Dragonfruit?" I called over to my best friend Matt. Better known as Pearl in our local night clubs.

"Yeah I'll go grab some, just take over my order." Matt went to the back to grab the ingredients while I took over his order.

I grabbed the cup and read the order, I made the drink then went to read the name on the cup. I was taken aback by the name written- Giovanni. I
looked up, hoping to see my Giovanni. But it wasn't him. I sighed calling out the name.

"G-Giovanni?" I mentally punched myself for stuttering. I gave the boy his drink before my apple watch started buzzing- signaling my break.

I went to the break room and took out the peanut butter and jelly sandwich I made for myself, along with my phone.

"violetchachki just posted a video"

I tapped the notification and it took me to Violet's post. It was a video from the final stop on Werq The World, I was smiling while looking at all the queens- most of which are my personal friends- hug each other while the confetti was snowing down onto the stage. My eyes immediately started scanning the stage to look for Aquaria.

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