gigi goode • besties

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we are back bitches.

i love gigi goode and i want to hug her all day every day 25/8 ok that's all. I couldn't figure out a tittle so take that shitty tittle for now, I'm probably going to change it tho.

geeg is a cis female and lesbian in this 🥺

this is for gigisgoodies bc i love her sm 💜

[ gigi ]

hope you guys enjoy! xx -k

Your POV:
"Gigi! where is my lip gloss I let you borrow?" I yelled to my roommate, who was downstairs.

"Top right drawer, inside- should be on the left!" I heard her yell back. Sure enough, it was there- top right drawer- inside on the left. I smiled rolling my eyes, as I grabbed the lip gloss.

Me and Gigi were getting ready to go absolutely no where but to the living room and kitchen. This quarantine shit really wasn't letting us go out clubbing and partying like we used to a couple months ago. But if I had to be stuck with anyone during this shitty time, I wouldn't want it to be anyone else but Gigi. I put on my lip gloss and headed downstairs.

Gigi was in the kitchen with her glass of what I assumed to be lime Truly, she turned when she heard my giggle come from behind her.

"We need to go shopping, we are out of lime Truly." She said in a very demanding tone before continuing,

"This is the berry one.... and you know I hate the berry one." She ended, sticking out her bottom lip- forming the cutest pouty face ever.

"That's what you get for drinking them so fast. We can't afford to be going out a lot during this time Geeg." I said looking at her and walking over to see what she was cooking on the stove.

"Oooooo pancakes!!!" I said as I saw the little fluffy circles on the pan, Gigi new they were my favorite.
I turned on my heel and started making the table for breakfast.

Gigi finished up a small stack of pancakes for each of us and set them on our plates, I grabbed the syrup from the cabinet, butter from the fridge and sat them on the table.

Gigi and I settled down to eat, we normally talked about our job- yes we even worked together because we are fucking inseparable, fight me. We both worked at a fashion design company, wether that was designing pieces for fashion shows, or even modeling for shows. But today Gigi struck up a different conversation.

"So how's you and that one girl you liked? What was her name- Abby?" Gigi asked taking a bite of her pancake.

"I don't know, I think I was just testing the waters with her. I think she felt the same way too, I think we had feelings for each other... But I don't think either of us were looking to pursue "us" if that makes sense." I answered, toying with my meal. I did like Abby, she was one of the first girls I liked or had a "thing" with. But none of us wanted to start that relationship, still- it kinda hurt.

"I get it. She was the first girl you had feelings for, its scary. But there are so many other boys or girls waiting for you."

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