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Ari POV-

"Okay class, listen up." Mr Baxter says. The class became silent and many students straightend their posture. "Hello students. Today you will all be assigned a partner to go on a flight to Spain for a class project. You will stay there with your partner and write an essay about the history/ politics of the country." I heard small whispers and then the room fell silent once again.

My class had only 15 students. Our school had only 100 students and there were only 25 seniors. Such as myself.

"You will stay there for a max of 4 weeks before returning. Pictures must be taken and explained on a poster board, along with your 5 paragraph essay. The rubrics will be handed out at the end of class and you will find who your partner is then too." Mr Baxter explained. "You will all be well behaved on this trip and anyone who acts inappropriately in unforgivable ways will be either given deathly consequences, or suspended or expelled. Do I make myself clear?" The class nodded and said yes.

"We leave 9:00, next Monday. Very well then. Free time." I sat back in my chair and played with my pandora. I sighed and tucked it back into my sleeve. "Hey, Fox." I heard a boy say. His large body cast a shadow over me and my desk, his voice low but sexy. His tone irritating. Sean. Michael. Anderson. The boy I hate most. I didn't respond to his comment. He always called me fox because I had bright red hair.

"Oh, so you can't talk, Hm?" Sean pulled up a chair and took a seat. Sitting in it backwards, like a bad boy. Haha. "Im sure you'd talk if I were Justin." I shot my head in his direction. "Shut up, Sean." I barked. "So when I mention him, you find your voice. How crazy is that?" He teased but seriously. I turned my head away and propped it up with my hands and elbows.

"Go choke on one, will you?" I mumbled. I felt a sharp pain in my thigh. "Ouch!" I whimpered as I pulled away from Sean's hard pinch. "Watch it, red head." He growled lowly. "Watch it." A scared shiver went down my back.

The end of the class came and I decided to leave last. Mr Baxter told me he had an extra credit assignment I could do so I stayed behind to get that. I walked to the bulletin board in the back of the room and looked for my name. Ariana Grande- Sean Anderson. I could've died in that very moment. Outside of the room I could see Sean. Leaned up against the lockers.

A toothpick in his mouth, his arms crossed over his chest, a smirk on his face. And then he waved at me with his head. My heart was beating 6.000.000 miles an hour. I wanted to cry. Oh the Irony!!!! Were the words cursing at me in my head.


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