Stay Away

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That last thing I posted was false. Never let a man do a woman's job because I told my bf to post that on a diff story and he got mixed up. SORRY!!!!

Sean POV

When I kissed Ari, I felt like I was floating. That had been something I'd wanted to do since I'd met her. Show her or at least try to show her how I felt about her through a kiss. But I knew that kiss wouldn't do it. It had to be a nice, long, passionate kiss that meant something. Not a sweet lovey dovey kiss. A real kiss. I left the house with Marc but not after threatening those boys. They were not going to touch my beloved Ari without physical consequence.

It broke my heart to see how scared Ari was that I was leaving her there again but, Marc's car was almost fixed. Marc and I walked over to the almost finished car. We just had to put in one more part and we would be done. "Hey, Sean, once again I'm sorry about what happened. I can see how scared and nervous Ari is when you leave her there and I feel bad." Marc would apologize all the time about what his brothers did.

Every time he looked at Ari I saw guilt in his eyes. But for what? He didn't do anything. Maybe he was embarrassed because his brothers had done it and his brothers represent him. I don't know what it was but I wanted him to know that it wasn't his fault. "Marc, for the millionth time. You have nothing to apologize for. You did nothing wrong." I told him patting his back. "But they're my brothers and I feel like I've failed to raise them right.They use to be so well behaved and now they're lying to me, stealing from me, keeping secrets, doing shit behind my back. I don't know what I did wrong."

I shook my head. "nothing. Nothing at all. They're teens, just like us, and they're gonna go their own ways eventually. But hey, they're always gonna come back." Marc smiled and nodded. "I hope so." Marc was a really nice dude. He was strict and liked to be in charge. Always keeping his brothers and any one who disrespected him in check. I liked that about him. And I felt like I could trust him. Even with Ari.

And that was good. Marc was pretty good at taking direction and instruction. Although he didn't like it, he was good at doing exactly what I said to do. He was a really nice partner to work with. "So tell me, Sean." he said. "I know you're just like me. You have a temper. You like to be in charge. You hate when people roll their eyes, shrug or give you any type of attitude." Yep. All that was correct. "And I know Ari also had a temper and gives a lot of attitude." Yea, that was correct. Where was he going with this?

"So, what do you do when you get really mad at her? Because I know talking it out isn't something you two do very often." His facial expression was not angry; it did not sound like he was trying to prove a point. He held the same posture as before and his body language was interested(not interesting). I swallowed hard and scratched the back of my neck. "Why?" I asked. "You hit her, don't you?" He said lowering his voice as if someone was around to hear. "Ugh. Yes. Yes I hit Ari. But I don't mean to! And I hate myself for doing it. I swear I do. I love her so much and I just don't realize what 
I'm doing until after I've already done it. I hate myself for that." I whined putting my hands over my face.

"I know buddy," he said gripping my shoulder. "I know. I hit my girlfriend sometimes, too." He admitted. I turned to him with a surprised look. "You? Mr Women's Rights hits your girlfriend? Tell me why I don't believe that." Marc licked his lips. "I know, I know. But I can't control my anger. And I really can't deal with that attitude of hers." he said. "Then why do you stay with her?" I asked. "Because...I love her..." His voice cracked a little when he said it; like it was the saddest thing in the world. And in a way, it was.

I sighed. "That's the same reason I stay with Ari, too." I said. "But do you ever wonder why she stays with you? Like, do you ever just sit and think of all the reasons she could want to stay? And her loving you not being one of them?" He asked me. "That's the sad part." I told him. "I do that every time I look at her."

Marc nodded understandingly. "Where's your girlfriend right now?" I asked popping the hood of the car. "Home. She's gonna have a baby soon." His smile was big and it made me smile, too. "Aw, congrats dude." I said. "That means you were gettin some!" I teased and Marc smirked. "That wasn't the only time." He said popping his collar making me laugh.

"You do you, Marc."
"More like me do my girlfriend." We both started laughing at his immature remark. "Nasty Ass." I said playfully. "Now get over here and help me." I chuckle. "Okay, Okay."

Marc and I finished putting the car part in but it took three tries and an hour because we kept taking breaks and doing it wrong. Once finished, we tested the car by driving to the beach. Marc parked the car. "Thanks man. I never would've been able to do that on my own." he said. "No problem." I said. I followed his gaze to the ocean. "Do you think we could..." he said. "No, Ari would kill me if I went to the beach without her."

I said. "She doesn't have to know." His voice was soft and he was so focused on the water. "She's gonna find out eventually." I say. "So," he shrugs. "Let her." He rolled his eyes. "I don't know." I say scratching my neck. "Come on dude. Don't be such a pussy!" He said pulling me hair and running out of the car. "You know I hate when you do that!" I bark getting out with him.

Okay, so maybe Ari didn't have to know I went to the beach without. And I guess if she did find out, oh well.


I appreciate the love and all but can't you guys hate on at least one character? There's gotta be someone in my story you don't like. Ya know what, I'll make one.

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