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Sean POV

Avis and I had a long nice talk and a long nice walk. I got to know him more and he started to make me believe that he actually didn't mean to hurt Ari. I found out that Marc wasn't his real brother, but Travis was and I found out that they had grown up on the streets. Working for farmers and ranchers to get money. He and his brother had a rough childhood. Their dad had killed their mom in front of them and raped them countless times. He'd beat them and force them to walk around naked and do work for them.

It made me sad and angry. What kind of dad was he? He also told me the story about Trevor, which was worse. He was forced to kill his dog by his dad, and his mom and grew up mostly without eating. Marc found them and took them under his wing. Teaching them how to be respectful young men. But recently, he'd been failing. And Marc hated failing. Especially when it came to his brothers. "Hey, dude, if you ever feel like having sex or something please don't screw my girlfriend." I said.

"Oh, thank god. I thought you were gonna say ask you or something!" I laughed along with him. "No, I was gonna say go do it with an animal or something." I giggled. "Yea, Uhuh." he smirked. I rolled my eyes. We got back to the house and I heard arguing. "I want to know where the hell my brother is. I know your boyfriend has something to do with this." Travis growled.

"I told you already, I don't know." Ari's sharp tone barking at him. "Well you better fucking find out." He snapped back. (Haha. Snap Back.) "Who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that?" She barked. Avis and I picked up our speed as the voices got louder and more frightening. We rushed into the house and they were in each other's faces. Neck to neck, chest to chest while Marc and Trevor tried to pull them apart. Avio watched I fear in the corner of the living room.

They were still arguing and hadn't noticed us yet. I wasn't happy that Travis was all up in my girl's face and had his hand up like he was going to hit her, but Ari didn't need to be yelling either. "What the fuck is going on?!" I yelled to get their attention. They looked at me and then kept arguing. I stepped in between the two of them, trying to prevent any physically conflict they may occur.

"Bedroom. Now." I said to Ari. "Couch. Now." I said to Travis. They grumbled things and headed to their places. I turned to Travis. "She-"
"I don't give a shit. Drop it. Just drop it. I'll be back to talk to you about something else later." I said before leaving. When I walked into the bedroom, I closed the door behind me and locked it. Ari looked scared. She had nothing to be scared for.

I wasn't going to hurt her. "What did I tell you before I left?" I asked. "He came to me." she said. "I don't care. Next time walk away. Now lay down and wait until dinner's ready." I ordered. "Sean-" Putting my finger up, I noticed Ari flinch. "Don't flinch at me." I warned. "How do you expect me not to flinch at you if every moment I'm worried you're gonna hit me?" My heart sunk. Was she really that afraid of me? Did I really do her that wrong to where she's that worried.

"Come here." I said. "No." Ari said. "Go make dinner." she demanded. "Are you telling me what to do?" I asked. "What's it sound like?" She said rolling her eyes. I shook my head, crawling on top of her. "Let me go, Sean." she said. I gripped her wrists, but gently. Pressing my lips to her collar bone. "Get off." she said. I trailed kisses up to her neck and once I reached her sweet spot I started to suck. Reciting a moan from Ari.

"L-Let...G-Get...G-Go..." she couldn't even finish her sentence which made me chuckle. "You have something to say, my dear?" I asked as I continued my journey and found her cheek. "Uh-Ah-Mm..." She groaned quietly as I started rubbing her chest. My lips found the spot behind her ear that I knew she liked for me to kiss. "S-S-Sean..." she says softly. I go back down to the crook of her neck that connects her shoulder to her neck and start sucking it again.

Then, I bite down hard, but gently. "Ooouhh." She says but with her hand over her mouth. I lick the spot where I bit and lift my head up some. "Don't cover your mouth when you moan. Just let it all out." I say. "I don't mine baby. I like it." I whisper. "And uhh, if you ever tell me what to do again, well..." I chuckle an angry chuckle. "You're gonna get yourself in trouble."

I crawl off of Ari after nibbling her ear for a second. "Do you have to leave?" She whined. I smirked. "What? You want more?" Ari nods her head rolling over onto her stomach. "Please Babe."
"Tomorrow." I told her. "That's too long!" She whines. "Sometimes, it's worth the wait." I wink making her blush before I leave.

Going into the living room, I ran into Marc in the hallway. He smirked at me. "What?" I said feeling myself blush. "You ain't slick boy. I know what you were doing in there." he said. "Whaaaaaat?" I say. "Mm." He shakes his head smiling as he goes into the kitchen. I walked into the living room and stared at Travis for a moment. Just thinking about what a crappy life he and Avis and Trevor had.

"I am so sorry." I said looking straight into his eyes. "For what?" He asked. "I know about you. Avis told me what you went through. And I'm sorry for adding on to your pain." I said. "I don't appreciate nor am I forgiving you for half raping my girl but I will move past it and try to be nice to you. Because you didn't deserve what you went through. And you don't deserve my scolding either." Travis nodded.

"Thank you, but, what I did was wrong and unacceptable. You have no reason to be nice to be." his tone was honest and accepting. "Well I'm not asking. I'm telling you. We are going to try to be friends for the rest of your stay. Me and all of your brothers. Is that understood?" I asked. He smiled. "Yes sir."
"Who's hungry?" Marc called from the kitchen.

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