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Sean POV

The next morning, the sun shines through the curtains and I opened my eyes. The curtains. They reminded me of the ones Ari had made and out up in the cabin that was about 150 miles away. Ari was 150 miles away. Thinking about the distance made me a little sad. She was so far away and I hated being away from her. I wondered what she was doing. How long after I left did she wake up?

Did she even wake up? Was she sleeping right now? If she wasn't then what was she doing? Was she thinking about me? No. Was she wondering where I went? Had she eaten anything last night? I don't know why I was worrying so much about her but I was. I shook my head at myself and sat up. I needed to find Rick. He paid me to help out on his ranch and I was sure it would take my mind off Ari.

The money helped me rent the cabin from him and pay for food for Ari and I. I got up and washed myself up. After putting on new clothes and brushing my teeth, I made myself some breakfast. Not really. I just heated up some toast and put this Jam on it that Abelina had made herself out of some berry I never heard of. She said it grows by a stream near her cabin and she thought she might bring me some. Man was it good.

I grabbed my jacket and backpack and left the cabin. Locking it behind me. Thoughts of the plane floated around in my head. Where was everyone? Could they be here in this town too? Were they even alive? I didn't know but I hoped for the best. I was also hoping someone would notice the missed arrival of about 60 people at a hotel. Maybe they just cancelled our reservation and thought nothing of it.

Because there wasn't any police or anything here looking for us. It took a little bit, but I reached Rick's ranch. His ranch was a big one, too. Lots of space, about 25 or so horses, 10 ponies, 3 mules, 5 donkeys, 2 dogs, 1 house cat and 2 strays that came in ever so often, and 2 zebras.

There was only 1 barn that Rick had built when he was younger with his dad from scratch and then there was Rick's house that his father and grandpa had built together. He told me when he first brought me there. When I found the small town I had ran into Rick and he invited me to his house. We had a small conversation and he asked me some questions. The conversation went a little like this:


I'd been walking for hours and I was beyond tired. It was starting to get late and I was about to turn back when a man riding a horse road up beside me. He pulled his cream horse to a stop. Where had I seen that horse before? I liked up to see the same man that had been pulling the wagon when I was with Ari by the plane. "Don't I know you?" He asked.

There was a rope in his hand and I looked to see it was hooked to the mouth bid to the blue spotted horse that had also been pulling the wagon earlier. "Um," I said. "Ah! You're that feller who was by the plane. Sean, right?" He asked me. I nodded. "And you're Rick?" He nodded. "Fancy seeing you here. Isn't it late to be out here by yourself? And you are pretty far from that cabin I lend you and that pretty little lady. Id say about 150 miles or so."

I groaned. "It feels like it. I've been walking for hours." I complained. "Well here, you hop on Ceko back there and I'll let you stay the night at my place." I licked my lips. "Well I don't wanna cause you any trouble-"
"No, I insist." he said with a charming smile that I couldn't say no to. That must've been something that he did a lot to get what he wanted 'cuz if you ask me it looked practiced.

I mounted the blue spotted horse named Ceko and and road along with him. To get to Rick's house we had to pass through the town which was very, very close to where he'd picked me up. I only had to walk about 50 more feet and I would've been there. I'm surprised I didn't see it from where I was as close as it was. I much not have been paying attention.

Rick explained to me a few things about the small town as we passed through. Where shops and stuff were. Where to get food. Where to exchange things if I didn't wanna buy them. Then we passed through and he took me to his large ranch. Considering it was built by unprofessional hand, it was pretty well made. Not one nail seemed lose and not one block seemed out of place.

We entered the house and Rick made me some chicken and cornbread. Boy did he cook like a chef. I guess he had to since he had no wife to do it for him. Rick was around my age, maybe 19. I hadn't asked yet to know. He was a sweet man, but it was obvious to anyone that he wouldn't put up with any bullshit. Rick was pretty well shaped and I don't think too many people gave him bullshit, anyways.

"How long have you lived here?" I asked looking around at it. "Since I was born. My dad and grandpa built this house when my dad was just a boy. Me and my dad made that barn out there when I was 7." I nodded. "That sounds like fun." I sad. "I wish I could've done something cool like that with my dad when I was 7." Rick chuckled.

"Oh no you don't. My fingers were hurtin', my back was killin' me and I wanted to cry. But my dad said that cryin is for little girls." I chuckled. "My dad said it was gay." Rick rolled his eyes with a smile. "Hey, maybe it's true. My friend's gay and boy was he a CRY BABY!" We both laughed then. "Well, how many animals live here?" I asked.

"50 total." My eyes widened. "That's a lot of animals to take care of by yourself, yea?" I asked. Rick nodded and swept imaginary sweat off his head. "You're tellin' me." He said. "I could use some help, 'round here. I ain't got me a lady or nothin' to do the dirty work for me." he smiled. I smiled too.

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