Come In Now

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I'd slept outside the cabin for about a week. No food but every now and then Sean would put a glass of water outside. I cried a lot during the night because I was hurting and scared. The pain was faint, then, but still there. It was the middle of the night and it started raining and there was thunder and lightning. I was soaking wet and I was beyond freaked out.

I was always scared of thunder storms. My Grandma had passed away on a thunderous and stormy night when I was 6 and I've always been afraid of them after that. I was shivering and quivering and trembling real bad. I was drenched in salty rain water and the thunder was so loud, I didn't even hear Sean come outside.

He stood over the hammock and I scurried away from him. "Please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me, Im sorry." I whispered in a plead. Sean snorted. "Im not gonna hurt you. Well, I might. Come inside before I change my mind." He said. I quickly but carefully, still being in pain, got off of the hammock. I quietly followed Sean into the house.

I heard the door close and I flinched a bit. I was about to lay down on the bed but Sean grabbed me roughly and the pain returned to my stomach. I winced. "Let-" "Shut the fuck up and just come with me." Sean growled. I stopped fussing and just followed where he was leading me. The bathroom. The bathroom? He shoved me into the bathroom and faced me towards him. Sean grabbed my sides, painfully, and lifted me onto the counter.

"Stay here." he said. He left the room and I held my sides. They hurt. Sean came back with some clothes in his hand. He set them down next to me. "Arms up." he said. I hesitated for a moment. "Now." he barked. I lifted my arms and he pulled my soaking wet shirt over my head. He looked at me for a while, biting his lip, I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked down and covered myself. Sean grabbed a towel and dried me off a little.

"Pants off." he said. "But I don't feel-" Sean moved his hand and I flinched. "I didn't ask you." He said. "Now I'll say it one more time. Pants. Off." he ordered. I hesitantly removed my pants and shied away when Sean touched me. "Hold still Fox." he snarled. My lip, like the rest of my body, was shaking. Sean dried me off with a towel and dressed me in the warm clothes; then carried me bridal style to the bedroom.

It was freezing. He gently sat me down on the bed and wrapped me tightly in my blanket and an extra one that Im guessing he brought out from the shed. I was still shaking and cold and I really wished there was a heater. My teeth went to clattering and my ears were stone cold. My sides were hurting again, too. Sean said nothing else to me. He turned off the lamps and I saw his shadow in the dark. I watched him remove his clothes, then get into new ones. But he left his shirt off.

I looked at him while he did that. Sooo sexy, but I shouldn't have been thinking that way about him. Not after what he did to me. I heard his bed creek under his weight and I saw his comforter lifting and lowering as he got comfy. "Thank you...." I said softly. Sean said nothing for a while. "Whatever." he mumbled turning his back to me.

"Good night..." I whispered. "Night." I lay awake for a while. A long, long time. About an hour or so. I watched Sean remove himself from his bed with a heavy breath and a loud creek. I watched him shuffle around and slip some pants over whatever he had on. He slipped on his jacket and I watched him walk around the room looking for who knows.

I guess he found it because he was on his way of walking out of the room. "Sean?" I asked softly. Hoping he wouldn't ignore me. Sean stopped. He didn't turn at me or bark or whatever. "You're awake?" He asked quietly. "Yea, where are you going?" I respectfully asked. "...For a walk." he answered. "Oh......" I didn't know what to say then.

"I won't be gone long, just go to bed. I'll be back before you wake up." I nodded and Sean left the cabin. And he was back before I woke up. He was sitting on his bed, twirling a pencil around. He'd placed his pajamas back on and I could tell he had his fare share of sleep. "Sean......" I said quietly. His head turned to me and sorrow was in his eyes. "I'm sorry...." I said. Sean just shook his head, not really at me but more of what I said.

"Don't waste your breath." I was surprised by his reaction and it took me into shock. I sat up on the bed. "But Sean I-" Sean stood up and walked over to my bed. I was sure he was gonna hit me but he didn't. He sat down on the bed and took my hand. He interlaced our fingers and squeezed my hand.

Fireworks shot up my arm and I got a tingly feeling in my stomach. My heart started to beat faster, too. Sean looked deep into my eyes, then, and squeezed my hand again. He pulled me into his lap and my heart fluttered more. He looked down at me, never letting go of my hand, and he kissed my cheek. "Please don't waste your breath," My cheeks were warm and I felt fuzzy all over. I rested my head upon his.

And he held me. For a long time.

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