Small Town

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Sean POV

I woke up and Ari was laying on top of me. Her breathing was soft and her heartbeat was quick. My arms were wrapped around her and her cheek was pressed against my chest. My chin rested softly on the top of her head and her hand was hanging onto my shoulder. She's so beautiful. She's so perfect for me. I sighed, thinking of how I made her sleep outside like someone would do a bad dog.

What if she got sick? What if an animal tried to hurt her? What if someone took her away from me? What if...what if she left? I hadn't but I should've thought about those questions before I did it to her. It was too late when I did. When it started raining I felt so bad. I just wanted to cry for the rest of the night. Why would I do that to her?

I rubbed Ari's back softly and slowly, not wanting to disturb her sleep or wake her. I kissed her head and closed my eyes. Deep breaths, Ma always said, Deep breaths, clenching and unclenching that jaw, that fist. Closing your eyes, running your hand through that hair, tapping a foot. And humming a tune of Sam Smith. That's how to calm yourself down. Not using your fists to hurt people. And when you get mad, boy, I want you to do that.

Her words echoed through my head; her tone was soft and bold. I opened my eyes and successfully slid off from under the sleeping beauty. I washed my face in the bathroom, and put on some new clothes. After putting a few things in my backpack, I left the cabin and set out for the small town. I'd be back in a few days. I didn't think Ari would care too much that I was gone.

I walked and walked along the trail I had created towards the town. It would be long. Occasionally there would be people on other trails riding on their horses or hunting with their dogs or walking their kids around. It was sweet but that wasn't until far, far along the trail I had created. The trail was made up of dirt and I'd outlined the sides with large rocks. I made sure to make the trail wide, and flat as I could make it.

Some points were pretty twisty because I couldn't get the other stuff out of the way and because the small town was a different way. I walked a very long time and noticed it was getting dark. I wondered if Ari was awake or not. At first, I was worried she'd get scared to be there alone. But she'd been by herself a lot and plus, she was only enough to handle herself.

However, I always knew that at any moment something bad could happen to her. And that scared me. I reached the small town, exhausted. There were people still out and about, meaning it wasn't too late. People washing their horses or wagons, some cleaning their trucks and cars, mothers trying to get their kids to go inside, dogs herding their sheep. It was a nice little town.

I walked over to the place a guy was letting me 'rent.' Meaning yes to rent it I had to have money. I'd planned to buy some souvenirs so I did have a good amount of money with me. But I didn't know how long it would last. And plus, I needed to buy food. So the guy, named Rick, gave me a job. You might be confused so let me start over.

I woke up after the plane had crashed and my head hurt really badly. I looked around and no one was there. I glanced around for a bit and noticed Ari laying over by the plane. I stood up, despite my headache, and walked over to her. Kneeling down and placing my hand on her wrist, I realized she was alive. That was a relief. It was pretty dark and cold. Where had everyone gone? What the hell had happens in the first place? I didn't know.

But I did know that we were by water and it would be freezing cold at night. I dragged Ari close by the plane and grabbed my bags and the ones I beloved to be hers. There weren't too many other bags left meaning someone had stole all of it or the other students and teachers were alive. I was hoping for the second choice. Now it's wrong to steal and all but I looked through the left over bags to check if anything was really valuable.

Nope. I grabbed a blanket, though, and wrapped Ari up in it so she wasn't laying on the sand. She was so beautiful. Even asleep. There were absolutely no people in sight. No civilization, no footprints, no dropped items. Just beach. I sat down on the sand next to Ari and blinked around. Something in my pocket poked at me and so I pulled my phone out.

Yes! My phone! I dialed Hans's number immediately. Hans was my best friend and he seemed to always be there when I needed him. But it went straight to voicemail. I called a number of times and again, right to voicemail. Hans always answered his phone or called you back within five to ten minutes. Something was wrong and I could only hope he wasn't hurt or dead even.

I'd never say it out loud or anything cuz guys don't do things like this but, I love Hans. He's the only person that I know had my back and if anything bad ever happened to him I don't know what I'd do. I sighed and shoved my phone into my pocket. What could I do? I didn't know. I sat there for a long time. Maybe if I stayed put, someone would come back and save me.

I really hated needing saving. It made me feel weak and I hated feeling weak. But I didn't really have a choice. Ari stayed asleep and after a couple of hours I poked her a few times, thinking maybe she's dead. No, she wasn't. But I was starting to wish she would wake the fuck up because it was getting lonely. Then, along came Rick. He was in a wagon that was being pulled by two horses in front.

The sight of another person gave me so much hope. I stood up so fast I almost fell back down and I rushed over to him. "Sir!" I called to get his attention. It took a few times but his head turned towards me finally and he stopped his blue spotted and cream horses. "Yes, young boy?" He asked with a kind smile.

"Um," I started catching my breath. I leaned my hand against the wagon to steady myself and took some deep breaths before having a heart attack. "That plane," I pointed to the plane. "It had about 50 students on it and maybe 15 teachers," I started. "Well it doesn't look like they're still there." He joked. "Yea, I know but, me and my-" I stopped myself.

What was Ari to me? She wasn't my friend but I didn't think of us as enemies. She called it Bully and kid getting bullied. Nahh. "Partner," I settled on that word. "We're on that plane. And we can't find our friends. We have no idea where we are or how to get home, but right now I just need somewhere to rest." I pleaded.

"Well," he smiled. "You and your, partner, can come with me. I have a place you can stay." They way he said partner made me squint. "Thank you, uhh,"
"Rick." he said. "Thank you Rick. I'm Sean." I introduced. "Nice to meet you Sean. get your friend and I'll help you get your belongings." I nodded and headed over to Ari.

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