Temper Temper

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It had been a full 10 days and Sean was slowly getting more mean and more rough. He was taking me for a walk, Wednesday, and I didn't want to go where he was going because I wanted to go to the beach. But he didn't want to go to the beach and so I tried to walk away from him but he grabbed me by the wrist and yanked me over to him. "Don't, walk away from me Fox" he growled, gripping my wrist to where it turned red. "Let go, you're hurting me." I cried trying to get my hand free. "I don't care." he barked.

"You never care...." I mumbled looking down. "What was that?" "Nothing. Can we go now?" We did go. And there was another time, Sean had came back from 100 miles away, and he was really tired, but I wanted to read. It was late at night but I wasn't done with my book. Id turned on one of the lamps and Sean wasn't happy about it.

"Can't you finish the book tomorrow?" He asked. "No," I said. Sean stood up, he walked over to the lamp and turned it off. Then he layed back down. I rolled my eyes and got up and turned the lamp back on. "Turn it off, Fox. Finish the fucking book tomorrow." He growled. "No. I wanna finish now." I protested Sean got up and snatched the book from me. "Hey!!" I whined trying to grab it from him.

"Go to sleep, or I'll make you." he barked. "I won't hesitate to burn this book to ash and dust. You're not getting it back until tomorrow. Now, go. to. sleep." He pushed me down on the bed, turned off the lamp, shoved my book into his bag and went to sleep.

Sean started to leave for days at a time. He said he found a village like area about 150 miles away. Bu the time he got there, he'd be pretty beat. So he'd stay for like 2 or 3 days before coming back. I mainly worked in the yard and went to the beach and read and snacked. I started to bake cookies that Sean brought the mix to.

I was outside, fixin' up some stuff, and Sean came out. He looked at me for a good long time but didn't say anything and it didn't stop me from getting rid of leaves. He walked over and sat down at the table. He was carrying two glasses of lemonade and he set them down. He slurped out of one with a bendy straw. Is It just me or are they way better then non-bendy straws?

Sean swallowed one more gulp of drink before letting out an, Ahhhh. "I brought you some Lemo-of-the-nade." Sean said. "Thanks." I said ignoring it at first. After a bit I sat down and drank some lemonade. "Taste good." I said. "I know, I made it. Everything I touch tastes good." Sean gloated. "Sure," I mumbled. "I heard that." Sean barked. I giggled.

I noticed him looking me up and down slowly but I said nothing about it. He met my eyes finally and said, "You could be prettier....." under his breath. I blinked and pretended like I didn't hear him. "What?" I asked. "Nothing..." he mumbled. I nodded but I was feeling really hurt inside. He's been putting me down under his breath for a while and it was staring to hurt.

His comments were so rude and he might not think I hear them, but I do. And it makes me feel bad. I sighed. Something inside me snapped. I stood up. "Ya know, I'm really starting to get tired of your bullshit." I barked. Sean's eyebrow raised.

"You treat me like shit all the time and I'm so done with it. You're a cock sucking fucker who needs to get his head out of his ass sometimes." I walked into the house and slammed the door behind me. I sat on my bed, waiting. The door swung open and closed with just as much slam as it did when I came in, maybe more. "Pretty choice of words, Huh Fox?" Sean growled.

He grabbed me by my hair and slammed me up against the wall, exciting a shriek from me. "I've really tried to be nice to you, you ugly girl, but it doesn't seem to be working." He knocked me to the floor and kicked me in the stomach. I clutched my stomach and called out, "Ahhh!!" In pain and agony. "Since we're putting out our opinions, your a worthless," he kicked me in the stomach again.

"Stupid. Fat. Ugly. Hog." A kick after each word. "No one could love you, Fox." He barked. He picked me up again but this time by my throat. "Please...." I pleaded. "I can't breath..." I begged. "You were breathing just fine when you said those nasty little comments, now weren't you?" Sean tightened his grip and I flailed around desperate for air.

He dropped me to the ground after giving me a hard slap on the face. I was struggling to catch my breath and my face was extremely hot and sore. My stomach, oh my stomach hurt so much I didn't think I could stand. Sean knelt down and yanked my face up using my hair. "I tried to be nice, Fox. But nice is no longer in my vocabulary." He dragged me to the backyard and left me there on the ground.

He closed the back door and I heard him lock it. I lay there in so much pain that I couldn't get up for hours. It was far after dark when my attempt to stand worked. I tried the front door and the back door but both were locked. I knocked and knocked and knocked to hopefully irritate Sean to the point where he let me in but, no use.

It was freezing outside and all I had to sleep with was the hammock.

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