Leave Me

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Gabe POV

I never knew Hans had a soft side. And I felt really special when he said, "I do give a shit. At least I do about you. If I didn't, I'd be letting you cry on your own right now. I don't hate you Gabe. Actually, I like you. I like you a lot." I felt fuzzy inside. I liked the way he was holding me. And I liked being close to him. Hans seemed like such a mean and jerky dude but he was a sweetheart.

And that was good to know. I don't know what I heard but I heard something that freaked me out. I opened my eyes and looked around. Nothing. However, not only was I a cry baby but I was also a scaredy cat. "Hans," I whispered tapping his arm lightly. He mumbled something that I thought was him telling me to leave him alone. "Please wake up." I said nudging him harder.

"Gabe...I didn't mean to make you cry...I'm sorry..." I heard him murmur. Was he dreaming about me? "Please don't leave Gabe...." I heard him say. He was! I don't know why that got me excited but it did. I pulled his hair some and he rolled over, eyes open but sleepy. "What?" He said in a yawn. "Well, I heard a noise and I got scared-"
"Pussy." he chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

"But then I got unscared when I heard you saying my name in your sleep." there was a big smile fixed on my face and I was expecting Hans to blush but he didn't. He just smirked. "Uhuh? So?" He said. "I know you were dreaming about me." I crossed my arms over my chest holding the smile to my face. "And so what if I was?" Hans scooted closer to me and wrapped his arm around me.

I got butterflies in my stomach when he did that. I wasn't expecting Hans to do that. But it felt nice to be in his arms. I felt safe. And plus his chest was muscular. "You're worth dreaming about." He whispered in my ear. My face heated up and I could tell I was red as a tomato. "Now go back to sleep." Was he serious? He can't just say something like that and then tell me to go back to sleep.

"But you can't just-"
"Lalaallalalalakallalalalahddnak." he said. I pouted and snuggled into his chest. "Good night." I sighed. "Good night."

The next morning I opened my eyes and Hans was no where in sight. Our bags were also missing and it took me quite a while to comprehend just what was going on. Hans left me. He seriously left me. He'd led me on to thinking he was a better person, took my shit, and left me. I was beyond pissed. I knew I couldn't trust the bastard. Why all of a sudden after being a dick the whole time we were there, would he just change? Oh wait, he wouldn't.

As much as I wanted to cry, I got up and started walking off. To where? I had no idea. My navigations skills were as shitty as my life was. People didn't love me. Hans was wrong. Sure I was the nicest guy at school, but now-a-days people don't like nice. They liked anything with a private part and money. Hans was liked. All girls liked a bad boy. Now he wasn't necessarily classified as one but he acted like it. Girls only liked me as that friend that could comfort them if something went wrong.

They wanted Hans for his body. Because his body was flawless and pure gold. And mine was limpy shit. I wasn't fat or thick I was small when it came to width but I didn't have a six pack or anything. Some people thought I was a too into myself and too confident but really, I wasn't. I always cried and always hated anything I did. Self conscious, not conceded. Hans on the other hand was totally into himself.

He knew the ladies wanted him. And all he did was tease them. And ignore them. And be mean. I know if I was Hans I'd be using my body as an advantage.

I walked for a while just pouting and being mad. Chucking sticks and kicking rocks. Why would he just up and leave like that? What did I do wrong? I knew I couldn't trust him. He was a stubborn jerk who could go fuck himself in the ass for all I cared. I reached some small opening in the woods and realized my tantrum was tiring me out. "Cock sucking meanie." I mumbled. "Who ya talking bout?" I heard someone say. I turned around so fast out of fear and stumbled. But large, muscular arms caught me before I hit the ground. He chuckled.

"Whoa there," he said pulling me to my feet. "You left me!" I growled yanking away from Hans. He raised an eyebrow. "No I didn't." he said. "YES YOU DID!! When I woke up this morning you and all our stuff was gone. GONE!!" I screamed. "Well I came back, didn't I?" He asked. I couldn't have rolled my eyes further back in my head. "Don't talk to me." I turned away from him and started to walk towards no where.

"Uh, your surprise is that way." Hans said. I turned around and faced him struggling to keep the smile off my face. Hans had his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk fixed on his lips. "You have a surprise for me?" I asked. Hans nodded. "I have a surprise for you." he clarified. I was a sucker for surprises. I just loved when people gave me gifts because I felt special and good about myself.

"What is it?" I asked letting a smile crawl onto my face as I slowly walked towards Hans. "If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise Now would it?" I loved when people said that but Hans made it sound different. He made me like it even more. I don't even know if that's possible but he made me more eager to find out what the surprise was. "No." I said. "Come on, this way." Hans lead me towards the surprise.

Before we exited the forest like area, Hans told me to cover my eyes. "Oooo, no. Not gonna happen." I said. "Why not?" He pouted. "The last time someone told me to cover my eyes, I ended up tripping and almost dying." Hans chuckled and walked over towards me. He stood behind me as he took my hands and covered my eyes. "I'll guide you, don't worry." he claimed, placing his hands on my shoulders."Okay..." I said with uncertainty.

I let Hans lead me to where ever we were going when I feel my feet sink into something soft. What the hell? "Hans, what am I standing in?" I asked. "Uncover your eyes, and you'll find out." He told me removing his hands and backing away. I took my hands down and realized I was in sand. Looking up, I saw the ocean. "YOU BROUGHT ME TO THE BEACH?!?!?" I jumped up and down in joy and saw Hans laughing and watching with amusement.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you like your surprise." He chuckled. "FUCKING YES!! I LOVE THE BEACH!!" I screamed. "Can we go swimming? Please?!?" I whined. "Why else would I bring you to the beach?"

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