Mad At

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I gave Avio a look but he mouthed not yet. "So, what did you guys do this morning?" I asked. "Just to work on the car." Marc said. That didn't sound true. "Yup. The engine blew out I figured out." Sean said. That also sounded like a lie. "Mmhmm." I said. "How long ago did you wake up?" Sean asked. "Just a little while ago." I said. He nodded. "Well, the breakfast is delicious." He said. I resisted rolling my eyes.

"Thank you." I said. I listened to the conversation Sean and Marc had. Very boring. Well it was until they started talking about girls. "Nope." Sean said when Marc asked him some question I didn't catch. "Ever think about it?" Marc asked. "Everyday." Marc and Sean laughed. "That's what's up." Marc commented. I felt something in the sweatshirt pocket so I reached in and found my headphones. Why would he have my headphones? He had his own damn headphones.

I shoved them back into the pocket of the hoodie. Making a note to talk to Sean about it later. Marc told Avio to go outside. And he did. Then, he and Sean started talking about their past girlfriends and girls' body parts and sex and shit. It was like I wasn't even there. I got up and took their dishes but they kept talking about the topic. I know I wasn't Sean's actual girlfriend but, what he was saying still made me upset. He was talking to Marc like Marc knew I wasn't his girlfriend.

But Marc didn't know. And that's what surprised me. Id say back down next to Sean and just listened. Why? I don't know. I guess I just needed something to break my heart. They were laughing and making jokes. "But my girlfriend has a temper." Marc said wiping his nose. "So does mine." Sean said flashing a smirk my way. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair. Sean put his hand on my thigh and gave it a squeezed which felt nice.

"She's always yelling at me and hurting my feelings!" Sean said pretending to have his feelings hurt. Marc laughed and I rolled my eyes. "Baby did you sleep good?" Sean asked. I shrugged. "I guess." I said. I didn't look at Sean. He was getting on my nerves. "Are you okay? You look irritated." Marc said. Sean was giving me a confused look, like he didn't know he was bothering me. "I'm fine. Just great." I said with a sarcastic smile.

"B-" I stood up as Sean was about to say something and walked into the bedroom. I heard him groan and say something to Marc. Then the front door opened and closed and Sean came into the bedroom. "What are you pissed about now?" He said flopping down onto the bed.

"Why were my headphones in your sweatshirt pocket?" I asked him. "So that's what you're mad about? Some shit like that?" He questioned with a that's stupid face. "No. I'm mad because this is the second time you left without telling me where you were going. Then you lie to me about where you went. And-" Sean interrupted me. "Why do you think I was lying? What makes you think I would lie to you?" He barked.

"I don't know, let me think." I said with all the attitude I could give. "Don't give me attitude, Fox." he growled. "I'm not lying to you. I took your shit because I don't like when you put your earphones in." he said simply. "That's no reason to take my shit without asking." I bark. "You'd do the same thing if you felt the way I did." Sean rolled his eyes and say back on the bed, so his back was touching the wall.

"I don't know or care how you feel right now. I want to know why you took my shit without asking me. Are you hiding any of my other stuff, too?" I asked putting my hands on my hips.

"No." he said. "I don't believe you." I hissed. "Then don't fucking believe me." He yelled standing up. It scared me. He went from calm to angry so quick. "You don't ever believe anything I say. I don't even know why I bother with you sometimes. You don't listen to me and that's why I took your headphones. Because I want you to listen to me. I want you to trust me." his voice was angry and upset. "Well stealing my-"
"It wasn't stealing." he interrupts. "Then what was it?" Sean ran his hand the tough his hair.

"Babe, do you really think I would steal from you?" His tone was soft and nervous. "I wouldn't know." He shook his head and stood up. He wrapped his arms around my waist and looked down at me. I frowned. "I would never steal from you." He said. I removed his hands and pushed him away. "Yea, sure. You lie to me, you beat the shit out of me, you, you verbally abuse me. On top of that, you sit there and have a whole conversation about girls and sex and your other girlfriends right fucking in front of me."

Sean rolled his eyes. "You're not my real girlfriend so it doesn't matter. You don't even care about me." He barked. "How did you know?!" I yelled. "If I didn't care about you I wouldn't always get worried when you left. If I didn't care about you I wouldn't be mad at you all the damn time. If I didn't care about you I wouldn't get jealous. Of I didn't care about you I would've left the first time you put your hands on me. I probably would've left the first fucking night. But if you cared about me you wouldn't hit me. You'd tell me you cared about me."

I shook my head in disappointment and distaste. Sean swallowed. "It's not like that. I-" I didn't wanna hear it. "Just shut up Sean." I snapped. He looked heart broken and uncomfortable. To his usual mad and angry self, he seemed as if he was going to cry. Sean just nodded and quickly headed for the door. "Ugh.Where are you going?" I asked following him. But he said nothing. He walked out of the house and closed the door behind him.

I sighed. Going back to the bedroom and sitting down. I hate when Sean left like that. Laying down on his bed, I started to think about what could've made him so upset. Nothing I said seemed like it would make him react like that. If anything, it would've pissed him off and he would've tried to kill me. Maybe he was only reacting that way because he didn't want Marc and Avio see him beat me.

But I knew I had to be expecting an ass whooping later on.


Should they kiss in the next chapter?

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