My own Thing

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Hope you guys hate this chapter. ; )


Sean was no where to be found the next morning. The boys were also gone. He'd left a note on the kitchen table that read, going to the beach. Be back in a few hours. Stay safe. Love you - Sean. In his pretty handwriting. It pissed me off. Why couldn't he just ask me if I was okay with him leaving me alone? Or wake me up and tell me this shit? It seriously made me mad. Every single time he did this we would get into a fight when he came home and there was no doubt we would this time.

And how dare he go to the beach without me? That shit faced jerk. It was too early to go to the beach anyways. Why the hell would they do that, it was freezing outside, the sun was just coming up. Idiots. I wasn't about to sit there in the house while they were out having fun. Hell the fuck no. I got dressed and stuff and went out on my own little adventure. The opposite way of the beach.

Of course I had no idea as to where I was going.But I was okay with that. Just fine because if I didn't know where I was going, it made the adventure more fun. And that also meant Sean would have a harder time finding me. I made my way off onto the grass. GRASS! I loved grass because I loved going to the park. I looked around and saw I was in a gorgeous meadow.

There was a stream, a giant willow tree, my favorite, daisies everywhere, my favorite, a swing set made of thick wood and thick rope and a treehouse hiding in the tops of the willow. I wondered how the hell would someone get up there, but as I approached the tree I say there was a ladder on the other side. AWESOME!

I climbed up into the tree house and it was like a small cabin. There was a fenced deck that was painted a light shade of blue and the house was a light shade of yellow. It didn't look like anyone had used it in a long time. There was a rocking bench under a window and it reminded me of home. Home. I missed it so much. I wondered what my mom and family was doing. Hopefully not worrying too much. I tired the handle but the door was locked. So I checked under the welcome mat and found a key.

A boy would've broken through the window, I bet. Idiots. I entered the tree house and it was amazing. There was a couch that was blue and yellow pillows to match. The bean bags were green and orange and the walls were blue with yellow stars. There was no tv, but a wall of books instead. In the next room, there were bunk beds and a bathroom.

This bedroom was similar to the living room except it was red, blue and white. Stars again. This room had a TV and a vcr and the book shelf was filled with movies. There was a wall that had windows and a wall that had a huge mirror covering the majority of it. BEAUTIFUL!! I walked back through the lounging room and into what was a kitchen. It was by far my favorite room in the treehouse. There was an island that wasn't marble but simply painted glass. It was a fish tank but had no fish in it. I could fix that.

The fridge had no food in it, thank goodness, and the stove was sparkling clean. There wasn't a spot in the kitchen that needed cleaning except for a dirty tablecloth. The floor was red and white tile matching the oven glove, the table cloth, the dish towels and a notepad that stuck to the door of the fridge. Also on the fridge door, there were letter and number magnets. I always use to play with those when I was little.

My mom would use them to remember stuff like when she needed to cook dinner or a number she needed but at the time didn't have a pen or pencil. I thought it was clever. I spent most of the day there. Going through books and movies. Exploring the meadow. Playing music on the guitar and piano is found. I had a lot of fun but remembered I needed to get home. It was super dark outside and I didn't have my phone to tell me what time it was.

So I climbed down the tree and headed home. I made the walk last. I marked the trail with the long vines from the willow. I sat them on the side so only I could know where they lead. Once home was in view, I noticed the boys were outside. Uh oh. Sean had been pacing back and forth. Marc was telling him to calm down and that he was sure I was safe and would be home soon enough.

Mm. Sean caught sight of me as I continued my walk towards the house. His eyes narrowed with anger as he stopped his pace and waited for me to get to him. But I was headed for the door, not him. "Oooo, Someone's in trouble!" The boys instigated laughing. I rolled my eyes. "Boys. Stop that. Go run a lap." Marc said. The teens groaned but did as told.

I tried to walk past Sean but he grabbed me on the arm right under my shoulder. "You are in more trouble than you think." he said through clenched teeth as he walked us both inside. Slamming the front door and dragging me into the bedroom, he started his rant.

"Where the hell were you? And why are you out this late? Do you know what time it is? What the hell were you doing? You know better than to leave if I don't know where you're at. I told you that scares me. Why would you do that? And why don't you have a jacket on? It's freezing. And-" I rolled my eyes. I seriously couldn't take his crap.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." he growled. "Tell me where you were." he demanded. "I was out." I shrugged. "Don't shrug at me. Tell me where you were." He said again. "Not here. Not at the beach." I said with more attitude than intended but I didn't care. Sean inhaled and exhaled with such annoyance in his body language. His eyes must've rolled thirty times before they looked into mine again. "Ariana. Grande." it had been too long since he'd called me by my government name.

The past few years it had always been fox, and the past few days it had been baby. I couldn't believe what I was hearing and it took my brain a few moments to understand that he was talking to me. "Tell me. Where you were." he said sternly. But it wasn't enough to break me.

"You know what? I don't need to tell you where the hell I was. I could've flown to Canada and came back and you wouldn't give a shit." I barked. "If I didn't I wouldn't be yelling at you right now." Sean claimed. "Stop with the acting and the lying for once Sean." I groaned. "I know you don't care about me. You and I both know you wouldn't be acting this way if-"
"That's only because you wouldn't let me." I raised an eyebrow. "What the hell are you taking about?" I asked.

"Everyday all you're set on is getting away from me. I can't so much as look at you without you flinching." He whined. "We know why that is." I said lowering my voice. Sean ran his hand through his hair and started to pace again. "Don't apologize, Sean. And I'm not going to apologize either." a puzzled expression crossed his face. "We say sorry too much and I don't like that...we fight too much and I also don't like that...apologies are really getting old..." I said quietly. Sean sighed.

"I know just-sometimes I-maybe we should-" Sean struggled for his words. "I really care about you, and it frightens me when you do things like that." Sean's eyes were locked on mine but I could not tell if his statement was from the heart. "But that's not fair. I care about you too and you always leave without telling me. You always come back whenever. You can do what you want but I can't." I complained.

"It's different-"
"It just is."
"That's not a valid answer, Sean."
"I just don't want you to get lost or hurt."
"But I feel the same way about you. If you get hurt what am I supposed to do?"
"Oh, so the only reason you don't want me to get hurt is because you depend upon me."
"Yes, I do. I can't keep myself safe."
"That's exactly why I don't want you to go off on your own."

Sean blew air of his nose. "We're done here. It's late, go to bed." he said walking towards the door. I screamed in frustration. "You know what Sean? Fuck you! You don't tell me what to do. I can do whatever the hell I want and I don't care what your faggot (sorry if that offends anyone) ass has to say about it. You're nothing. Nothing but a piece of shit who can go fuck himself."

Sean's face went red with irritation.


Extra long because I been failing at writing lately.

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