Chapter 8

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Well, I guess this is how I'm bound to end up. Maybe abused and used for these types of things. For whatever reason, I guess I'm more suitable to be someone's punching bag and sex doll rather than be the normal speechless self I am. Kai made that very clear. I was on the ground, in the restroom, in my locked stall, questioning myself if I should have ever made this type of move to actually want to go to a real person school. I mean, being home schooled by my Mom wasn't so bad, she never bullied me or anything, but atleast this way I wouldn't have to hear her voice everyday, but now I'm starting to really want to hear her soothing and comforting voice. I held my knees up to my chest, tightly squeezing in ad I held my dead down, tears running down my face like there's no tomorrow.

Is this how it's going to be now? Me unable to defend myself and have no one to help me whenever I really needed to be helped. I heard my phone go off nonstop, the bell for first hour already rang and soon second hour was going to start. I know nobody could've heard my voice, not even the janitor paid any attention when the stall was locked and didn't hear my cries, he probably just moved one because the stall was locked and saw legs in the stall.

I finally pulled out my phone, gaining some kind of breath and looking at the screen.

25 Unread Messages Jisoo
35 Unread Messages 🐰Jungkook🐰
10 Missed calls from Jisoo
20 Missed calls from 🐰Jungkook🐰

Clearly they must've forgotten the part where I can't speak, but I can understand why they still called, out of shock and worry probably. I looked at the messages, glancing at their worrying and frantic emotions play out as time went by between each message.

I got up, not thinking to text back or anything, but I decided to move on and hurry up to Second hour before class starts. I rushed out, running out of the library and across the campus to get to my next class. Seeing different people look at me wierdly, I decided to try to ignore it. I dashed as fast as I could, getting past the slow moving crowd of people and finally reaching my class. I went and sat down, before anyone else could even enter the class and I laid my head down against the desk, stressed and tired from how the day went off so far. I got a quick slap on my back and shot up looking to see an overly mad and worried Jisoo. "What the hell? Where were you?" You never texted back, and-" she soon stopped herself, her eyes widening and looking down at me. She cupped my fave and looked closer. "Who did this to you?" She asked me intently, examining my face. I guess Kai must've left bruises. Wait, is that? Cum at the end of my lip? She must've noticed because she moved her finger to the end of my lip and examined it. "Who did this to you?" She asked again. I looked away, not wanting to answer. I didn't want to think about it, even though it'll wander around my mind all day long, I can't tell anyone.

Jisoo seemed to be getting more and more annoyed and started nudging my shoulder, but I ignored her. Finally class had started. I was obviously sitting next to Jisoo, who wouldn't keep her eyes off of me. And then Jungkook with tye rest of his friends were in the other side of the classroom, laughing and having fun about whatever they were talking about. I obviously payed attention, taking notes most of the time and watching the videos and doing the worksheets the teacher handed us.

While working, I kept my head down. Here, in this class we're allowed to sit where ever after the lesson has been explained, so that you can "work together", but like always everyone was always talking with eachother. I on the other hand was dealing with Jisoo's questions and doing my work and helping Jisoo all at the same time. "What happened?" She asked me again, and I finally gave up at this point.

-The person, Kai at our bus stop, he did this to me today when I went to the library.

As soon as I slid that to her I continued my work, wanting to gain as little attention as possible. She gasped and looked at me worried. "Did he, you know, 👉👌" she signed the last part to me and I quickly nodded my head 'no'.

Speechless (Jungkook x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now