Chapter 23

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   "Jackson Wang! So happy you could make it!" Namjoon said happily, embracing his old friend. Everyone looked at eachother to see the two hugging awkwardly cause, 1. None of them knew who he was and 2. Nobody knew Namjoon had any other friends outside of their group.

  But as he sat down, he sat next to Namjoon, on the same side as Jungkook but seperated by a few people. While they were all conversing amongst eachother to meet Jackson Wang, Jungkook was sitting uncomfortably next to Y/n, who was next to Hoseok, the two being the only seperation between Jackson and Jungkook.

  Taehyung, across from Y/n was looking worried but focusing on the current matter at hand, Jackson. Jungkook was sitting oddly, ever so slightly tilting himself a little away from the group but still at the table.

  Underneath the table, Jungkook would tightly hold onto Y/n's hand and keep it there, bringing it over to his lap. "So Jackson, tell me what's been happening with you so far?" Namjoon asked away, bombarding his old friend with questions.

  "Well, after my small period a few years ago, I took the time to really focus on me and decided to go in search for something in really passionate about." He started, Y/n could feel Jungkook's grip on his hand begin to tighten.

  "After that, I went on to go into music producing, first with one of my friends where we'd produce a song together and it was really successful. From there I helped him produce a few more music hits before he decided he wanted to start a group with me and so, we started and we're pretty high up there in our music business and with our success." He said, smiling all across the room.

  Jackson however, couldn't see Jungkook because of how Y/n was blocking his view, but never the less kept Jackson curious about the person at the end of the table with Y/n.

  "What was your small period like, a journey of self-realization or something along those lines?" Jimin asked. Y/n could feel the grip on his hand be so tight, both hands were shaking but there was something else he felt, something wet. He looked over to see small tears falling from Jungkook's eyes.

  "Oh, no, I was more so going through a break up, it was pretty hard for me but, it's what prompted me to move on and make the most of my life without them so, yeah." Jackson said, fiddling with his hands beneath the table. Jungkook took a deep breath and wiped the tears that were visible and tried to keep his composure together.

  But he couldn't take away the sight of his eyes being red from holding in his emotions too hard. "Babe, you okay?" Y/n asked, but there was no response from Jungkook, just a small glare that had the answer written all over it.

  "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about that. That must've really hurt. But I'm sure you'll find someone who'll love you sufficiently for you." Jin said while he sat on the other side of Namjoon, Jackson being next to Namjoon.

  "It's okay, it was just a faze that i went through so, there wasn't much coming from the other end so, it's again, what prompted me to find who I really was in a sense." Jackson continued. At this point, Jungkook was close to blowing up, and Taehyung and Y/n were the only ones who noticed it all.

  "But, anyways, enough about me, I hear you guys are looking to possibly form a group together and start making some music. What kind were you all thinking?" Jackson asked. Namjoon took the conversation over from there, giving Y/n sometime alone to really take care of Jungkook.

  He wrapped his arms around his emotionally wrecked boyfriend and tried to comfort him to the best of his abilities. But nothing was really working for Jungkook. "So the main thing you want to start off right now is who's going to be your rappers, singers, best choreo people, best singers, best rappers, app that good stuff right? But you have to also find the unity between it all so you all stick together and don't fall apart because of eachothers preference of a song your making or something." Jackson was explaining.

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