Chapter 13

501 17 13

Y/n's POV

Back at school again. Wearing my usual backpack, holding hands with Jungkook as we entered the school campus, and this time, my hand having the ring Jungkook had given me for Easter. I had a small blush on my face as some people looked our way, pointed at us and started small conversations. I looked up to Jungkook to see his facial expression about everything that was happening around us.

Only to see him with a big smile on his face. Tightly gripping my hand and leaning down to my ear. "Don't worry about everyone else, we're happy, they'll just have to deal with the fact that we're happy and they can't buy what we have." He whispered. I smiled brightly as well and kisses him on the cheek with a small sign of 'thank you'.

We walked to our small table of friends, Jungkook's friends and my friends sitting there, discussing amongst themselves. "So Y/n, what do you have planned for spring break?" Hoseok had blurted out, everyone looking at me.

I couldn't really think up of anything to say to them, since I didn't really have any plans for the up coming break.

-Nothing really, I haven't been told anything by my Dad if we have plans on going out of the country to visit my family. But, for sure I'm bound to sleep and eat.

Both Namjoon and Jungkook laughing at the end while everyone else looked at them obscurely. "He said he doesn't know, but for sure he's going to be eating and sleeping through it." Namjoon said. And soon enough, everyone else joined in their laughing.

I leaned my head against Jungkook's shoulder as he lightly chuckled. And soon our bell rung in the campus, letting us know to go to our first period. We all distributed ourselves to our classes, saying goodbyes to eachother and Jungkook and I heading to our first period.

We entered and headed to the corner, back seats if the classroom. We sat down and the lesson soon began. I was paying attention, taking notes while Jungkook was silently playing games on his phone. He took notes here and there, just the things that were really important in the lesson.

  The class was getting closer and closer to it's end of the period and we went to our next class. There, I say down in the back where Jungkook usually wanted to sit, until I saw him sit somewhere else. Next to a girl.

  Alright, just calm down, he's not doing anything with her, she's just another girl in the class like there is in every other class. She's nothing more special from the other girls. She's just maybe a friend? Yeah, just a friend.

  My thoughts running 100 miles an hour seeing the right infront of me. Trying to convince myself he was just being a friend. They were just friends. Until, I saw her grasp his arm tightly and she laid her head against his shoulder. My eyes started to twitch a bit out of anger.

  Maybe they're very close friends? They better be. Nothing should be happening between them two right? Jungkook would tell me about it right? Right?

  She started to talk with him while the class was going on. I tried to write down as much notes as possible until my vision went blurry. My glasses had fallen off. I scrambled around in my seat to find them, feeling them on the ground. "Here you go Y/n." Taehyung had said as he sat next to me. I thanked him and he handed me my glasses. And then i tapped his shoulder.

-Whos that girl with Jungkook?

  "I'm sorry Y/n, I don't understand sign language like Joon or Kook, could you like, write it down for me?" He asked. I quickly wrote it down and he looked towards Jungkook. "Oh, that's his ex-girlfriend. Nothing special between the two, they're just trying to be friends again instead of making everything between them toxic over the break up." Taehyung said.

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