Chapter 9

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  After what Kai did and the principal finally knowing what he did, he was expelled from the school, and from there I never saw him at the bus stop ever again. He was never near the neighborhood near me anymore, except his friends that he used to hangout with at the bus stop still bugged me from time to time, I got through those days easily. After Kai lad left, I was left alone by almost everyone, except the people who always wanted to pay me to do their homework for them and all. I last night was the last night I would spend with Jungkook at his room until later on if we ever were to meet again that way, but I'm sure my Dad wouldn't mind if went over from time to time. My Dad was finally taking a day off from his work at the hospital and today was the weekend. I had absolutely no clue what to do, this place was all new to me still, I hadn't gone anywhere to eat, only thing I've really eaten was Jin's delicious cooking and food from the hospital that my Dad would bring home. "You ready to take a trip around town?" He asked, coming into my room. I shook my head 'yes' enthusiasticlly, almost jumping out of bed. He soon left my room and went down the hall to do something, and I was getting ready for my first day here on a weekend. There was so much I wanted to see, so much to adventure, look at, experience, it was like a whole new world. Since sleeping under the covers last night warmed me up and I was slightly sweating this morning, I took a cooler shower than normal today. Rinsing my head, body, face, hair. I wanted to be very clean today.

  I finished and dried myself, putting on some clothes, and opened the door to get some fresh air in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth till they were squeaky white, I made sure to clean my face up to look good, and styling my hair just a tad bit to look a little interesting. I walked out, putting on my glasses and walking to the kitchen, smelling the delicious smell of homemade pancakes, waffles, bacon, scrambled eggs, and orange juice. "Breakfast is ready." My Dad said setting a plate of food down on the table that had syrup, salt and pepper all on it with napkins and silver wear.

  I sat down across from my Dad, beginning to dig into my meal, adding syrup to my waffles and pancakes. It was all too good to savor at once, it felt like heaven for my mouth. "So what do you want to do today?" My Dad asked, bringing up a newspaper and reading it.

-Adventure, look around, stores, arcades, comic book stores, everything!

  I signed to him and he smiled. "Alright then, I supposed we'll do just that." He said, eating his breakfast as well. All there was to listen to at the moment was the TV playing the news, and us eating the delightful food.

  After we had finished the delightful meal, we got our wallets, phones, keys, etc. And walked out of our room, locking the door behind us."So where to first?" My Dad asked me as we walked down the hall to the elevator.


  I signed to him and he smiled. We exited the elevator after reaching the main lobby and walked out, and soon I saw Jungkook and all of his friends standing there by the vending machine looking at the food intently. I blushed at the thought of Jungkook, sleeping with him was so comfortable and relaxing. More than I've ever been relaxed in my life. Quickly as I was about to move my head, Jungkook so happened to look my way and brightly smiled and gasped. He was about to say something before I was out the doors of the hotel. "Alright, now we just need to get lucky and get a cab." My Dad said looking above the cars passing by.

  Quickly he signaled and raised his hand, instantly getting a yellow car to come up infront of us. We got in the back, feeling the vehicle move as soon as we closed the doors. "어디로? (Where to?" The man asked, driving down the streets that were packed with different cars and people on the side walks. "가장 가까운 아케이드로주세요. (The nearest arcade please.)" My Dad spoke to the driver.

  Over a little time, my Dad had tought me alot about the Korean language. It was interesting honestly, I could speak it as well, but not as fluent as my father. He always had to deal with different people of all languages and Korean was no stranger to him.

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