Chapter 4

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  Waking up, I hated waking up usually but not like this. I was more than happy to wake up, especially when I get to go to a school I've wanted to go to for years on end, not this one in particular but generally I've always wanted to go to school.

  Waking up was almost like getting in the seats of a roller coaster for me whenever I would wake up for school. I'm so anxious and nervous about how the day will go, but through its crazy, exciting, and home affair relieving issues, it takes me on this amazing ride that I never want to get off of, but sadly the roller coaster stops and I want to get back on it again, only I have to wait a while day for it.

  That's what waking up for me was like. I did my usual waking up routine, having breakfast with my amazing Dad, going and brushing my teeth, getting ready, etc. I go and say goodbye to my Dad and leave for school. Second day of school, I felt it in my bones that it was going to be amazing today.

  I waited at the bus stop with Jisoo, talking regular stuff, music we like, TV shows we like, literally almost everything we liked we had in common.

  "So, what's the short ass kid still doing here? Think you're still special to walk around school like your the king or something?"  that one dude said again to me this morning. At this point, I didn't really care for what he had to say, until he grabbed my hair and through me on the ground "I WAS TALKING TO YOU ASS HAT! DONT YOU LISTEN?" He yelled down at me. I picked myself up again only to me shoved down on the ground again.

  "Kai, won't you quit acting like a dick head and just leave people alone, nobody wants to keep listening to you while your dragon breathe stinks up the air." Jisoo said back as she helped me up. "What'd you say you little slut?" He said backing her up to a wall, but before he could day anything else, the bus had arrived with the driver wearing a concerned look on his face.

  "Everything alright out here?" The bus driver yelled out, and quickly Kai moved away from Jisoo and Jisoo pulled me close to her before anything could happen, "Yeah, nothing, just waiting." Kai said walking up into the bus. "That's what I thought." He said sitting back in the bus drivers seat.

  I sat on the window side close up front with Jisoo sitting next to me again, we talked a small bit.

-Hey, thanks again for standing up for me back there, no one's really done that for me except my big brother, thank you.

  "No problem cutie, just stay away from Kai, he's always been a asshole, don't know if that's because he was shit out for birth or he was dropped as an infant but he sure does pick on literally almost everyone except for BTS." Jisoo told me.

-Whos BTS?

  "You know that Jeon Jungkook we partnered up with in English class for that one project?" I nodded 'yes'. "Him and his friends are what they call BTS, they got so popular in school because of their looks and singing and everything about them, but they just gave themselves the name BTS instead of people calling out at them by all of their names." I nodded in understanding.

  It didn't take long before we got the school when Jisoo and i started walking off the bus first, avoiding to meet contact with Kai back there. We hurried into the school, passing by everyone who still stared at me for their reasons and passed by BTS. "Hey, Jisoo and Y/N! Come here!" I heard Jungkook's voice call out.

  We turned around and walked over to them. "Hey, what are you guys doing?" He asked us. "Just about to go to the library for some books for class." Jisoo replied. "Oh, you guys got a moment real quick?" He asked. She looked at me for a response and I nodded 'yes' and she said the same. Jungkook brought us to their group and we were met by all six, individually different haired and looking people. "So, I wanted you to meet my closest and only friends, this is Namjoon, he's like a Dad for all of us. " Jungkook said introducing us to him.

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