Chapter 18

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Y/n's POV

Thanksgiving had just passed, Halloween had also passed, months of never answering the one question everyone seems to be the most worried about. Are you going to get your voice back? Jungkook has been the most supportive person through this the whole time.

Whenever someone would ask me or a friend would ask, Jungkook would simply say "He's undecided at the moment." And we'd continue talking about whatever else we'd talk about. My Dad, wants me so badly to get on board with this since he specifically designed it for me.

Don't get me wrong, Im very thankful and happy that my Dad would put in so much effort for years of his work and even move me to where I'd meet the love of my life just so i can have my voice back but the thing was, i never really lost my voice.

I never needed a voice to make a statement or get things done, maybe others did but not me. I started without a voice, and I've done really well so far without one. Ace student, all grades always As, I've been top of my classes every year. What statement haven't I made about myself?

And i do understand that having a voice may make life easier for me, but, I'm perfectly fine now without my voice. What if something were to go wrong with how my nonworking vocal chords were to be replaced and suddenly, muscles and tendons that have never been used before are now suddenly being used after over a decades worth of the rest of my body far ahead of how my vocal chords would be.

So many things were blasting through my head, and I couldn't even probably think at this point. "Babe, you okay? You're zoning out again." I heard Jungkook pull me out of my thoughts. I shook my head 'yes', and he looked back at what our college algebra class was teaching us.

I really was lucky to have someone like Jungkook by my side, I don't know what I'd so without him. If he ever left, I probabaly wouldn't be able to stand the feeling of being alone without him.

We continued taking notes in our class, while I felt a paper tap on my hand and I looked down, seeing that Jungkook rested a little paper on my hand. I looked back up at him to see a straight face, taking notes and looking like he was really consentrating in the work in the class.

I flipped over the paper to read
-R u free on Saturday?

I wrote down a 'yes' on the paper and tapped him, giving it back to him. I returned back to my study and kept writing notes down, before I was interrupted again with the same sheet of paper given back to me.
-Good, because I'm going to take you to the school's winter dance

My eyes began to widen, looking uo at him to see a small smile on the side of his lips. My cheeks began to heat up as a blush ran over my cheeks. I tried to continue the work in the class, but already as it was it was hard for me to concentrate on it.

After class was finished, Jungkook and I were walking hand in hand down the hall to our next class, English before we were going to lunch.

-But isn't Saturday Christmas?

"Don't worry baby, I made sure to ask your Dad's permission. He was fine with it. The winter dance is going to be at night until midnight so, you can spend the day with your Dad, and I'll take my little monster with me to our dance, what do you say?" He asked. I blushed at the nickname 'little monster' from Halloween, shaking my head to agree with his plan.

We walked up to our English class, seeing that the lights were turned off and nobody was in sight of the class. There, on the door was a note that told us to meet over in the cafeteria room.

"Where are we going?" I could hear Jin ask, running up to catch up to us, out of breathe. "The cafeteria." Jungkook said, taking my head and leading us to the cafeteria. There we saw some of our class mates sitting on the floor with their phone out, and a bunch of white, blue, baby blue, glittered white, and light purple sheets of paper next to the teacher.

Speechless (Jungkook x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now