Chapter 10

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  Sunday, it isn't so bad right? Nah, nothing goes wrong on a Sunday, cause everything wrong is supposed to happen on Mondays, that's why everyone hates Mondays. Welp, I was asked to go out on a date with Jungkook, the most handsome, kindest, protective, and adorable person I've met. And he's also pretty comfortable to sleep with incase you haven't noticed but he is extremely warm and comforting when sleeping. I woke up, as per usual. Ready for my Dad to give me the big talk about dating and everything. Wondering what he'd say today, but I bet he doesn't even know Jungkook was the person who defended me and saved me from Kai a few times during school when Kai tried to buly me. Jungkook even took care of me for the nights my Dad wasn't home and invited me to sleep with him. And as if above all of that, he topped it off with buying me clothes that he insisted having to buy me, and had the courage to ask my Dad for permission if he could date me! He's had so much respect, thoughtfulness, and loving person to me. If I said he didn't make time go backwards for me then I'd be lying. I walked to my bathroom, got in the shower and let the warm water take me to an extremely comforting feeling. Relaxed. I walked out the shower and got my clothes on, did my hair, fixed up my face and brushed my teeth.

  I decided to wear contacts today instead of my glasses and I tried as best as possible to get the contacts in, but it always seemed to be my eyes would flutter close when close to the contacts. Finally there was a knock at my door. "Hey, goodmorning kiddo. Just came into see if you needed help with anything?" He asked, and I nodded my head. I raised my hand with the contact lenses and he shook his head in understanding of what I needed help with.

  He came over, held my face firm and was moving the contact closer and closer to my eye. "So, how long have you known this Jungkook person?" He asked out of the blue, but not surprised.

-I've known him since the beginning of school, and he is super nice to me.

  "Alright, anything else happen at all? Or is he just as good of a person I think he is?"

-He hasn't done anything I'm not ready for, and he is the best person you could imagine.

  "Good." My Dad said and got the other contact. "Well, anything else I should know about him before I send you off later on to your date?" He asked.

-It's not like he is a drug dealer or anything, he really cares about me alot. He took care of me the nights you were working 48 hour shifts on, he protected me as best as possible from my bullies at school, he even let me sleep with him while you were gone so I wasn't alone.

  "You WHAT?" My Dad asked, nearly throwing the contact away.

-Just sleep, he made me feel more safe than hardly anyone else ever has, he is super nice and amazing Dad.

  "Just making sure it was only sleeping. I don't need anything happening to you and he leaves you for some anonymous reason." My Dad told me, putting the contact in my eye. "There, all good and ready for the day. Will you be coming home do you know?" He asked.

-I'll text you if he lets me spend the night or not.

  "Good, now what are you going to do today?" He asked.

-Have breakfast, and then relax for the rest of the day until the date comes up, then I'll have to get ready for it.

  "Sounds like a plan." He said and walked out the room. I was honestly surprised he didn't give me the whole big lecture on dating and all. I went outside to have the breakfast my Dad made me, enjoying the delicious food. And interesting enough, everything was heart shaped. I looked over to see my Dad watching to news, avoiding my look. I continued to eat my breakfast, ignoring the hearts that were there that shaped my food and finished not too long after.

Speechless (Jungkook x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now