Chapter 20: The Bus

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We've only been on the road for a couple of hours and the overwhelming smell of boy is giving me a headache.

"Y'all need to bathe more than usual while we're on the bus together, Christ," I grumble out.

I thought the boys would be rowdy and noisy on the drive to a new place but mostly they just sleep a lot. Tours can be exhausting and any downtime they have they take it. The days after the concerts they have all this adrenaline and they need to exert it quickly before we leave or else we're all up all night because they can't stop running around and playing pranks. Boys will be boys I guess.

"Hey Rob, when we get to the next location can we move to the SUV before we get to the hotel this time? Last stop was so insane."

Rob is one of the security guards on the road with us in the RV. He and Kirby take turns driving and sleeping while on the road and all seven bodyguards take a turn with us in the RV.

"Sure thing, Rose."

I give Rob a thumbs up in the rearview mirror and then head back to my bunk. We still have a couple of hours before we make it to New York and I really want some alone time before the chaos of The City That Never Sleeps.

There are eight bunks lining the hall of the RV that all of us get to sleep in that have privacy curtains for, obviously privacy, but also to keep out light and some sound. The boys offered me the first pick and I chose the very last one in the back before the door to the second lounge. I was hoping that it would be the quietest since the boys usually congregate in the front area.

"Rose, will you come snuggle with me?" Jungkook asks me for the fifth time this week.

"No, Kookie. The bunks are too small and I get claustrophobic." This is the lie I tell him every time. When the truth is that I don't want any of the boys to think of me as anything other than their assistant. I crossed the line, redrew it, and then let it blur and this time I want to be better about how I let it be. I let them get away with too much with me and I need to draw the line somewhere. So I decided on no more cuddling. The others have taken it pretty well but Kookie struggles with it the most since he's the youngest. I've been trying to set boundaries and so far it's working. Mostly.

When we had one of our stops in Pennsylvania I had to facilitate a hookup for Yoongi and that really sucked. The girl signed the NDA and I booked them a hotel room on a different floor than the one we were on for safety reasons. The look in his eyes when he told me is what killed me. They were blank until he told me what she looked like and where her seat was and then his eyes turned dark and wistful. I've had to do NDA's for all the single boys except Jin. I don't know why he hasn't, I'm sure he's pretty worked up after all these shows. Maybe it's because he takes long showers...

Once they all had a night with a girl I kind of had an idea of what their type is. And once I knew that then it became almost fun. I'm like their wing woman. I go into the crowd to watch them and then I can look for girls that I think are their type. I can motion to a security guard and he kind of does the girl part of the facilitation and then if the boys want to then I book the rooms. I guess when I say it all together I sound like a pimp... but I promise it's not like that! The girls get a backstage pass and it's fun and they can always say no! But let's be real who would turn down an offer like this? If I didn't have this job and I was just out there in the crowd I don't think I could. If an idol wanted me I'd probably feel like the hottest girl in the world.

There's a tapping on the wall beside my bed, "Do you want something to eat?" Jin asks.

"Yes, please," I mumble out. "Thank you."

I always feel so guilty when the boys dote on me. I get paid to do it for them, it's literally my job. So when they do it for me I just feel like it's an obligation. They do it for each other because they are practically family and so doing it for me is an afterthought...

"Good because I already made you something." He opens the curtain a little and hands me a bowl of noodles. Jin makes eye contact with me when he hands me the bowl, but I look away. His attention always makes me nervous, he's too beautiful for his own good.

Jin turns to head to the back lounge area but I stop him. "You don't want to go in there. Namjoon and Jimin are there and from the noises, I've heard I think they are pretty busy..."

I can see the side of Jin's skin start to blush and he just grunts his agreement and heads back to the front of the bus.

I sit up to eat my noodles and just when I'm almost done I let some of the sauce drip onto my neck. "Fuck..." I mutter.

Getting up I head to the one bathroom we have and, not even thinking, I pull the door open. I immediately see my mistake.

Yoongi just got out of the shower and is drying himself off with a towel. He isn't even wearing one around his waist to cover himself. I have a full view of a part of him I've never seen before. It's...big. A lot bigger than I thought it was, and it's not even hard.

My hand comes up to smack my mouth in surprise and Yoongi looks up at me. At first, he also looks shocked, but when he sees where my eyes are he smirks.

"Do you need something from me?" he asks, and all I can do is stutter in response.

He pulls me into the bathroom and closes the door and leans in close to me.

"See something you like?" he asks, and I force myself to maintain eye contact.

He grabs the hand of mine that covers my mouth and removes it. "Because I see something I like." And he leans in towards me, closer than before. I can feel the heat of his mouth breathing on the side of my neck. The steamy air and this steamy situation makes my skin burst into flames. Yoongi's mouth nears my throat and a small breathy moan escapes my mouth when his tongue makes contact with my neck. And then he's licking a trail from the bottom of my neck to the side of my mouth. And just as quickly as he came he moves away.

"Mmm," he says and smacks his lips, "I love that sauce." And then he grabs a towel from behind me and heads out into the main cabin. 

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