Chapter 26: The Breakdown

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After we got back to the hotel, I texted my mom that I couldn't meet up with her due to my busy work schedule and would see her on our previously agreed upon date and then shut my phone off. Yoongi hung up on her after I dropped my phone and I didn't want to deal with any of the aftermath. I didn't want to face her anger and I also didn't want to fight about why she was spending time with Jase.

I thought when we broke up because he was cheating on me the entire time we were dating for four years that my mother would understand that I didn't want anything to do with him. I thought she wouldn't want anything to do with him either.

She was never there for me growing up. After my parents divorced when I was twelve and I chose to live with my dad, she didn't want anything to do with me. She felt like I betrayed her. It wasn't until my dad died that she actually took interest in my life again. I was a sophomore in college when he died suddenly from Cancer. He had a rare form of bone cancer and by the time doctors found it, it was too late to do anything to fix it. He was going to die, and the time he had left was short. I left school to spend the rest of his life with him.

Watching him die was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. This man who raised me, who was full of life and love, was withering away like a rotting log.

At the time I was dating Jase and he was there for me every step of the way. Through all my grief and sadness and then through my anger. He was there for me when my mother entered my life again. It was never an easy thing. She thought she was entitled to half of my dad's life insurance since she was married to him once. But he left it all to me to pay for my college and to try and set me up for the beginning of my career.

She left me when I was twelve years old and started a new family. She had new kids and a new husband, I don't know why she felt like she needed to renter my life just to cause me more pain.

Jase knows how much she hurt me, and the fact that he's conversing and meeting up with her to ambush me feels like even more of a betrayal than his cheating did.

What can you say about a man who cheats on you for years while your father is dying? How could I ever want him back in my life after all he did was gaslight me and make me feel like I was crazy for being paranoid that he was unfaithful when I was right all along? He had the audacity to reach out to me last month and I didn't respond, isn't that proof enough that I don't want to see him?

What's worse, it that my mother told him where I would be. She must have told him what my job was and what I was doing. She broke my already thin trust in her to keep my job a secret so I could abide by the contract I signed with Big Hit Entertainment. Jase wouldn't have been here if she didn't tell him where I was.

The feelings of betrayal feel like they could bury me alive. What could have brought the two of them to team up is beyond me. I've been fine without them, I don't need the both of them trying to weasel their way into my life again. I cut off all ties with Jase and moved to South Korea to get away from his hold on me. I've been doing this all on my own, I don't need them.

Part of me, the little twelve-year-old girl inside of me, is hurt that her mother is only interested in her when it is beneficial. She wanted back in my life when I had a lot of money and now she wants back into it again after I have a high-profile job. I wish she just wanted to be my mom because she loves me, not because I have something she could gain from.

A knock on my door startles me, and I wipe my tears before I go and answer.

Scared it might be my mother or Jase, I peek through the peephole. I hear the giggling face of Jungkook before I see it. When he steps back from the peephole I see all of the boys there.

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