Chapter 18: The Tour Part 2

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"Wake up boys! I have coffee and bagels ready for you!" I walk down the hall and bang on their doors. We have the whole floor because the boys and their bodyguards easily take up at least eight rooms. The bodyguards are downstairs working crowd control already and I'm in charge of getting the boys to the venue. But first, they need a little morning pick me up.

Hoseok is the first to open his door, a big smile pulling on his cheeks. He's an early riser and I'm sure he got some good rest since he had his own room. I hand him his bagel and his coffee and he shuts himself back into his room. I use the master key that Richard gave me in case I had issues with the boys and needed to make sure they make it somewhere on time and today feels as good as any to march in and give them their food to start their day. When entering Jimin and Namjoon's room, I knock and then slip the coffee and bagels into the room and immediately shut the door. Their a couple and I don't want to interfere with any of their alone time together. Next, I open Jungkook and Tae's room. I knock and when I come in I hear the shower going so I know that at least one of them is awake and getting ready. I head further into the room and go to set their breakfast on the desk in the room but when I look over to see who is still sleeping I instead find Jungkook with his eyes closed but his hand moving vigorously under the covers. Shit.

"Um, here's your guys' breakfast, I'll—"

"Noona!" he shouts out completely surprised by my entrance that he falls out of the bed. He's totally naked on the floor and I turn away to give him some privacy. I try to walk to the door sideways while facing the wall away from him. I'm almost to the door when I run into something, well, someone.

"What the—" I stutter out and find myself chest to chest with Taehyung. He has a fully white towel around his waist and his chest is bare. I can feel my shirt soak up some of the water from his chest and I break away quickly, stumbling on my way down to the floor.

"Well good morning to you too." That is all Tae says, seemingly unaffected by this collision.

I turn to my side and see Jungkook again, this time with a sheet covering his waist. When I turn back to look at Tae I have a view up his towel and I can almost make out the shape and size of—

"I—I—I...I need to go give the others their breakfast!!" I all but shout out and scramble to my feet racing toward the door.

Once I'm outside the room I slam the door shut and rest for a second with my back to the door. "Okay, so entering before permission is a terrible idea, I can admit that now," I mutter to myself. Thank goodness I left the rest of the bagels and coffee outside the room otherwise I would have either forgotten them or spilled them everywhere. Small victories. When I get to Jin and Yoongi's room I knock and knock and wait for someone to open the door. I've learned my lesson very well with the others and I really don't want to get myself into a situation with them as I did with Kookie and Tae.

No one is coming to the door, so I knock again and try to cajole them to come open the door. "Jin, Yoongi, it's me, I have coffee and bagels for you." I wait a bit again but no one comes to the door and I don't hear the sound of anyone stirring. I take a deep breath and decide to use the key again but this time I'll just put their breakfast right inside the door as I did for Namjoon and Jimin. I should have done that for all of the boys, I was just too stupid to think about that at the time.

The click of the electronic key signifies that I can open the door and I gently turn the handle and push the door open. Not wanting to wake either of them if they are still asleep I just set their meal down and try to close the door with the utmost care as not to wake them with the smack of the door and the frame. Just as I hear the lock click in the door the sound of one of the boys speaking startles me.

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