Chapter 16: The Gala Part 2

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When I get back to the table the others can tell something is wrong, my anger is most likely written all over my face. I just don't understand why Jin could be so careless. But then again, he's an idol. His job isn't at stake if we got caught, it would just be another fucking day in the life of a superstar, getting any girl he wants whenever he wants however he wants. I feel stupid for thinking I was special for even a second, if anything I'm just convenient.

"What's wrong with you?" Tae asks, his eyes suspicious.

I've beaten Jin to the table by sheer for of will even with his much longer legs, but when he makes it back to the table I reply so he can hear.

"Jin doesn't have extra shoes upstairs, but I looked all over the floor before he came up to tell me." I sit back down in my seat, the hoodie slipping off my shoulder for a second before I pull it back up, "I brought an extra pair of slippers if anyone wants them, if not then I'm going to use them. These heels are killing me." No matter all the precautions Gina took to try to prevent foot pain it doesn't account for the fact that I don't wear heels all that often and my feet aren't used to contorting to this shape.

By the time we're all one eating dinner, I think we're almost done and then we can go home. But then the speeches start. I let out a deep sigh, feeling so frustrated with all the eyes I seem to meet any way I look. The boys are like a comet striking through a sky full of stars in this room and everyone can't help but look. But it's exhausting feeling like you're being watched at all times like you can't slouch or spill food or even itch your nose without being worried someone will see or take a photograph. I can't imagine having this be my life 24/7 and I really don't know how they do it. So I ask.

"How do you guys deal with being the center of attention all the time? Doesn't it get exhausting?" I fight the urge to slouch in my seat and instead zip the sweatshirt up so I don't have to worry about any unflattering pictures or nip slips. Not that my nipples are even visible to slip but, ce la vie.

"You get used to it after a while and it becomes normal like background noise. We've just sort of conditioned ourselves to always be "On" when we're in public."

I sigh, "I can't wait to go back to being in the background. This outfit is too conspicuous, I look like one of your dates, not your assistant." I toss back the rest of my champagne and grimace as it's gone flat.

"Do you put out on a first date?" Tae asks, his eyebrows wiggling.

I open my mouth to give Taehyung a piece of my mind, but Yoongi slaps his palm on the table and startles me.

"What have I said about the inappropriate jokes?" Yoongi growls to Tae, his cheeks flushed from drink.

Tae just laughs, unconcerned by his warning. "Rose doesn't mind." He says breezily, turning to me, "Do you, Rose?"

"For now, but you better watch out. One too many sex jokes at my expense and you just might find yourself with a punch to the dick." I motion to a waiter for more champagne and he replenishes my glace.

When he walks away Tae just gives me a smirk, "Is that a threat or a promise?" I want to tell him where he can shove that question but my reply is washed out by the sound of clapping.

Geoffrey's voice rings throughout the speakers. "Thank you all so much for coming and for your generous donations. You can pick up your silent auction baskets in the back." Everyone claps again and I bend down to put on my shoes again. "And please feel free to take an extra piece of cake home with you, we have far too many leftovers for the employee fridge." That gets him a little laugh and I wonder if he really meant it.

Just as we're all getting up, a waiter puts down two more shots in front of Yoongi and he licks his lips before taking one after the other. Too fast for any of us to intervene.

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