Chapter 5: The Test

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Our last stop of the day is for individual vocal lessons for Jin, Jimin, Jungkook, and Tae. Rap line doesn't have to go today, so they are about to head back to the house.

"Why don't you come back with us and I'll give you the house tour I forgot to give you this morning?" Namjoon asks, turning from the front of the car on the way to drop off the vocalists.

Nodding, "Yeah, alright—-"

"Actually I need Rose to go with the others to their appointments and make sure they get home safely." Mr. Woo says from beside me.

"Sure, of course," I reply.

"I'm 27 years old I think I can figure out how to get home by myself Geoffrey," Jin says.

Mr. Woo sighs deeply, "I know this, and it has nothing to do with you being an incapable person and everything with you being one of the most sought after idols in the world right now."

Jin gives an even deeper sigh if that's possible.

The mood in the car shifts, the light sound of the car radio the only thing making noise.

When we pull up to BHE, I climb out with the four members and wave goodbye to the remaining three and Mr. Woo.
"Don't worry, I'll get them home safely."

When the car leaves and we walk in the building I turn to the boys, "I don't have to worry about any of you going rouge do I?"

"Not me!" Jimin says, linking his arm through mine.

Tae doesn't even acknowledge that I've spoken, just jumps on Jin's back as we head into the elevator.

Jungkook links his arm through my available arm and leans in to whisper in my ear. "Don't worry about us, we know the rules. It just gets old."

Jin presses the top floor of the elevator.

"Needing to have supervision and help all the time and not be able to feel like an autonomous person, not being able to just leave the house without telling anyone," Jin is still holding Tae on his back, "it just feels suffocating after a while."

Tae hops down as we reach the floor and the boys scatter to different rooms. I follow Jin, out of instinct or fascination I'm not sure, but also because I don't know where else to go. I settle myself on a chair outside of the room Jin just went in and flip through the iPad.

I get an email about meetings Mr. Woo wants me to schedule and about appointments he needs me to make. I notice one for scheduling his dog a grooming appointment, which seems odd as it has nothing to do with BHE or BTS but who am I to complain so early on.

Jin pops his head out of the door, "do you want to sit in on my session?"

"Umm—" I stutter, the chance to hear Jin sing live and close up?? Keep cool. Keep cool.

"—yes, thank you," I reply and gather my things, stepping into the room.

It's a larger-looking room than I originally thought, a small upright piano sits in the center among other instruments in stands. A small microphone right by the piano and a small man sits and fiddles with the keys.

He gives me a slight nod and gestures to a chair behind his and Jin pulls it out for me and I settle down and he steps back up to the mic. He puts on headphones to block out some sound and flips through the sheet music.

The pianist starts playing the harmonies from Epiphany and I can feel my skin already start to pebble in goosebumps with anticipation.

When he starts to sing the high notes...

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