Chapter 11: The Recovery

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My head is pounding, my mouth feels like cotton, and I'm pretty sure that I'm not wearing any pants.

"Go back to sleep," someone whispers, and I panic.

It's him. He got me.

A scream wells up in my throat, "Help—"

"Shh, it's okay. You're safe, we got you." Another voice says, a hand stroking my hair.

I flinch and turn to see Namjoon, he gives me a small smile.

"Don't worry, Rose. We wouldn't let anyone hurt you." I turn my head back around and see Jimin.

I take a deep breath and let it out. Safe.

"No, no, don't cry," Jimin says, reaching up to my face to wipe at tears I didn't know was falling.

Now I'm full-on sobbing, deep shaking sobs wrack their way through my body and I feel myself shaking with the force of it.

Namjoon rubs my back, "they got him. Jin and Yoongi found that son of a bitch and the police got him in custody. He shouldn't even be allowed to work there, he's had two felonies."

That only makes me cry harder.

"Hyuna and Emilee are safe too. They're a little shaken up about the whole thing, but they are just glad you are safe. If anything, they feel guilty for not noticing sooner."

"No! No—" I wail, "It's not their fault!"

"It's not yours either." Namjoon tries to soothe, his hand soft as it strokes my shoulder blades but his voice hard. "He drugged your drink and tried to drug you, but he wasn't successful."

"Here, drink some water." Jimin puts a glass of water up to my lips and I take a few deep gulps. My mouth instantly tastes better and my head clears a little.

I drink a little more and then fall back asleep.

The sound of a door closing wakes me the next time and I jerk, my leg kicking out.

"Ow! Fuck—" I hear someone whisper.

I peak my eye open and find Yoongi laying on the bed next to me on top of the covers flipping through a worn paperback book with a book light illuminating the pages. His eyes move over to me and I'm caught.

He flips it shut, "You're awake, how are you feeling?" He reaches over and hands me the glass of water. I gulp down the rest of it and pull myself into a sitting position. The comforter falls around my middle and I remember that I'm not wearing any pants, just in the pair of underwear I wore out... and then I remember.

"Yoongi," I croak, clutching the glass tightly in both hands.

He puts his hand on my back, "You're okay, you're at our place."

I look around and realize I'm in his bedroom again.

"We were worried about you waking up in the middle of the night in someone's room and being scared. We thought it best for you to sleep here where you've been before."

I nod, the empty glass in my hands starts to shake. He plucks it out of my hands and grabs ahold of them.

"What happened? How did I get here?" my voice quivers out into the darkness. The only light source is from the electric clock displaying that it's 5 am.

"What do you remember?" he asks gently.

I think back to my memories of the night before, remembering dancing with the girls and laughing, talking...

"The bartender," I whisper, my lips barely moving.

He nods, "We had him arrested."

I nod, letting the memories soak over me. The bathroom stall, crawling on the floor, the prick of the needle...

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