Chapter 22: The Meet and Greet

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"The girl in the black leather dress, I want you to set up a meet and greet with her tonight." Jin points to a location in the crowd.

I feel my whole body tense. He's gone so much of the tour without having a fan meet-up, why now?

I can't even count the number of times I've facilitated them for Tae, he's such a ladies' man. Hobi's have been harder to procure because we have to be extra careful of his sexuality getting out as well as his sexual partners. Jungkook has been too nervous to ask me to help him so he always goes through one of the other members of the crew and I have to hear about it from them. Even Yoongi has asked me for his fair share of "meet and greets" and those have been almost unbearable to make. But it gets easier with each one. My only consolation is that they look like me. Yoongi picks girls out of the crowd that he wants to meet, and so far they have all looked like me.

But Jin...he hasn't asked for a meet-up before. I just thought maybe he was fine with his hand or maybe he felt too awkward to have to ask me. But he could always go through a crew member like Jungkook. I don't know why he has waited so long, but I think a part of me thought that since this leg of the tour is almost over that I wouldn't have to do it.

It's time to face the music, and my heart aches that the girl he wants to see isn't me.

"Yes, of course. I'll get her seat number and have security approach her later." I tell him. I try to swallow but my throat feels like sandpaper.

I turn to walk away but he speaks up again.

"Can you have room service send up some champagne?" he barely looks at me when he speaks.

"Y-yes of course." I stay put just in case he has any more requests but he turns on his heel and leaves.

Champagne is my favorite drink and I try not to hyper-fixate on that. But when I'm walking back to the dressing room all I can think about is how we drank that on the night we kissed. On the night we had sex. On the night when everything happened and when it all came crashing down.

I remember what it was like to kiss those beautiful full lips of his and how he tasted. When he kissed me he must have noticed how I tasted too. If he kisses her tonight will the taste of champagne on her lips remind him of me?

I can't keep thinking like this! I smack my hand to my forehead a couple of times to try and smack the thoughts out of my brain. We aren't together, I saw to that. Every time I'm hurt I have to remind myself that I did this. I did this to myself and I don't have anyone to blame but me.

Well, and the rules of Big Hit Entertainment. If there wasn't a rule against it, then I wouldn't be in this mess. If the rule didn't exist—but I can't let myself go down that train of thought.

I smack my forehead a couple more times and then go in search of a crew member who can do my bidding.

"Hey Ronnie," he's one of the supervisors who helps keep everything under control on the floor of the venues.

"Rosie, what can I do for you today?" He has the voice of a seasoned smoker, all gravely and low. "One of the boys see a nice young thing they like?"

I internally cringe at his words, but I guess since he's over the age of fifty anyone under twenty-five seems like a "nice young thing".

"Yeah, Jin would like to meet the girl in floor section B, row 2, seat 14." I hand him my phone which has a screencap of her from the security footage from earlier.

He gives a low whistle. "She's a looker. The eldest sure has good taste."

I tried not to look too closely at what she looks like because the first thing I noticed is that we have different hair colors, and that's enough to tell me that he isn't going for girls that look like me and that realization hurt more than I thought it would. It's painful even when they look like me but more so when they don't. 

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