Chapter 21: The Scare

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I find myself getting used to all the running around and dodging fans while traveling in sleek black SUV a lot faster than I thought. As the end of the American tour looms in the distance I can't believe how I found myself in this position. It's true that not all jobs are for every person. I'm not sure if a year ago I would have been able to be away from home this long without feeling homesick or lost but now I find the chaos of moving city to city exhilarating and so much fun. I just wish that seeing my mom once we arrive in California wasn't weighing on my chest like a giant rock.

We're on the bus about to round ourselves into a new city and I'm currently making dinner for the bus. We try to switch off who makes food for everyone so it doesn't always fall on one persons' shoulders, aka Jin. I'm not fully confident in my skills in preparing Korean cuisine so I opted for chicken stir-fry as it was the one meal I used to make myself constantly while in college.

"Smells good, Noona!" Jungkook pops over from behind my shoulder and grabs a carrot out of the pan.

"Ya!" I try to smack his hand away, I continue to let him eat out of the pan all the time there will never be enough food for everyone.

"Ah, Ah, Ah," he pants as the carrot burns his tongue.

I smirk a little, "See this is what you get for stealing,"

It doesn't phase him at all he just hops away happily.

When dinner is done I dish it up for everyone and start passing out bowls.

"Here you do, Steve," I say as I hand one of the bodyguards their dinner, "and Joe yours is right here when you guys want to switch."

I've passed out all the other meals when I realize that Jimin isn't around. I look for Namjoon because they are usually together but he has his phone pressed to his ear in what seems like an important phone call, leader business I'm sure. Turning around, I head to the back lounge and find Jimin huddled up under a ton of blankets.

"Jimin, dinners ready," I try to pull the blanket back from his face so I can give him the food but he tugs it so I can't.

"I'm not hungry," he mumbles out and rolls over to face the back of the couch.

I sigh, "Okay I'll put it in the minifridge in case you want it later." He's said that the last couple of nights, otherwise I could think he hated my cooking.

At the fridge, I see last night's dinner and today's lunch piled in there.

"Jimin..." I start out slowly, afraid of what I think is happening, "Are you still full from lunch?" I ask, trying to make my voice sound nonchalant.

"Yeah, still super full."

He's lying. The proof is right here boxed in Tupperware.

I set his dinner inside the fridge and go back over to him. This time when he tries to pull the blanket back I don't let him.

"Jimin, I know you didn't eat lunch. It's still uneaten in the fridge as well as last night's dinner. What's going on? Why aren't you eating?"

He doesn't say anything and I move the blanket so I can see his face. His eyes are clenched shut like he's in pain, which I'm sure he is if he hasn't eaten in over twenty-four hours.

"I'm just not hungry," he tries to tell me but I stop him by opening the blanket and wrapping it around the both of us.

"Tell me what's going on, babe, please?" I ask but he doesn't budge. I try another tactic and tickle his side until he laughs and squirms.

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