Chapter 29: The Tug of War

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"Give me a kiss for good luck," Yoongi whispers to me right before they are about to go on stage.

My eyes go wide. There are tons of people around. The rest of the boys, crew members, and bodyguards.

"No!" I whisper back

We're backstage in the near dark ready to send the boys off to go underneath the stage to get ready for their opening entrance.

"Please, baby?" Yoongi tickles my stomach and I huff out a giggle. The sound brings attention to the two of us.

"There are too many people around, it's too risky." I try to make my voice sound firm and serious but it's hard while being tickled and having to look into the cutest pleading eyes.

My eyes skirt away from him and I try to tickle him too, but he's too quick and grabs my hands. Jin's eyes narrow in on me and I swallow in worry. I haven't told either of them about us. But I think they both suspect it.

I pretend to brush away nonexistent dust off his jacket, "I'll give you a hundred kisses when you're done tonight."

"Do I get to pick where the kisses are?" Yoongi's eyebrows wag suggestively.

"Don't be greedy Min Yoongi." I brush his hair back into place.

He doesn't listen and leans in to kiss my cheek before heading off to group up with the boys. I have to pretend to wipe off the kiss in disgust and annoyance so nobody suspects anything, but I see the way the gears turn in Namjoon's head when he looks my way.

This feels just like the time with Jin in the elevator. Neither of them is worried about getting caught as much as I am so they become reckless. Trying to kiss me in view of video cameras and crew members. All things that could blow up in my face and not have a consequence for either of them.

Once again, I feel torn between my love for both of these boys and my love for my job. There was a reason I tried to stay away and having it slammed back in my face so soon after abandoning it feels terrible. I know from the look Namjoon gave me that I'm going to have to answer him once the concert is over. My heart feels like I've run sprints and I try my best to regulate my breathing. I don't want another panic attack so soon after the last one. I don't even know for sure that Namjoon knows, only that he suspects. No need to get worked up over nothing.

By the time the concert is over, I've restored my heart rate to a normal pace and beat my high score on Candy Crush.

The boys come bursting into the dressing room whooping and cheering.

"What a show!" Jimin exclaims.

"The crowd was amazing!" Jungkook says.

"The bras they threw on stage were very sexy," Tayhyung mentions with his eyebrows raised.

"The energy flowing through the stadium felt entirely different than it ever has," Hoseok tells me.

"Definitely one of my favorite shows." Yoongi agrees.

Great, one of their best shows yet and I missed it sulking in the dressing room.

"It was magical!" Jin yells and grabs me by the waist and lifts me up running around carrying me like I just won a sports competition. He spins me around and around and around and I feel dizzy.

"Stop that!" I whack his head, "You're going to make me sick!"

He sets me down and pulls me into his chest, tucking my head under his chin, "Sorry, I didn't mean to. We're just excited."

Jin pats my back and I push out of his embrace worried that it looks too intimate. "I'm happy and excited for you guys too! I'm bummed I spent the concert in here and not out there with you."

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